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Karmin 1.9163.0002
Follow Karmin through their Official Download the free Karmin app now for a fullalbum of music! No account setup is required – just install andlisten to these original songs by Karmin:1.Blame It On My Heart2.Come With Me (Pure Imagination)3.Baby It’s Cold Outside4.Didn't Know You5.Can’t Live6.Easy Money7.Sugar8.Bitch Better Have My Money9.Along The Road10.Yesterday11.Maybelline12.Didn't Know You (Acoustic)13.Sugar (Acoustic)14.Acapella15.Brokenhearted16.Hello17.No Flex Zone18.Look At Me Now19.What Do You MeanAnd More than that, Karmin Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right for moreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Karmin emoji for all chats, only forapp users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Karmin.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.• Requires Android 4.1.0 and upAbout KarminKarmin is a music duo made up of real-life couple Amy and NickNoonan. Beginning as two broke music school grads uploadingperformances to YouTube, they found viral success catapulting themonto the legendary stage of Saturday Night Live and the cover ofRolling Stone. Hear their unique and versatile approach to pop inthe upcoming album, Leo Rising, based on the Zodiac and due outlater this year. Explore the world of Karmin through their musicand lifestyle videos.
La Original Banda El Limon 1.9181.0001
Follow La Original Banda El Limon throughtheir Official App Download thefree La Original Banda El Limon app now!Stay connected to La Original Banda El Limon on their officialapp.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by La Original Banda El Limon.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting La Original Banda El Limon, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow La Original Banda El Limon on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the La Original Banda El Limon app now and #BeSeen!About La Original Banda El LimonLa Original Banda El Limón De Salvador Lizarraga es una bandamusical mexicana que interpreta música ranchera, balada, corrido ycumbia. La agrupación cuenta con 50 años de trayectoria y 28 discoslanzados a la venta a lo largo de los años.El 14 de junio de 2011 lanzan el álbum "El Primer Lugar", el primersencillo del álbum fue «Di que regresarás», el cual logra ocupar elprimer puesto en ventas en descarga digital. El segundo sencillodel álbum titulado «El Mejor Perfume», compuesto por Luis CarlosMonroy y Adrián Pieragostino, logró ocupar el primer puesto en elchart mexicano. El tercer sencillo del álbum se titula «El PrimerLugar», al igual que el álbum. El álbum fue considerado por losexpertos del género regional mexicano, como el mejor. El 21 denoviembre de 2011 lanzan el sencillo «Santa Claus Llegó a laCiudad» junto al Grupo Cañaveral de Humberto Pabon.El 30 de octubre de 2012 lanzan el álbum recopilatorio "MiColección: La Original Banda El Limón de Salvador Lizárraga".El 29de enero de 2013 lanzan otro álbum recopilatorio, titulado"Romances: La Original Banda El Limón de Salvador Lizárraga". El 5de febrero de 2013 lanzan el álbum titulado "La Original y SusBoleros de Amor".Follow La Original BandaEl Limon through Their Official Download the free La OriginalBanda El Limon app now!Stay connected to The Original Banda El Limon on Their officialapp.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by La Original Banda El Limon.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting La Original Banda El Limon, event tickets, and more...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow La Original Banda El Limon on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the La Original Banda El Limon app now and #BeSeen!About La Original Banda El LimonLa Original Banda El Limon De Salvador Lizarraga is a Mexican bandthat plays music ranchera, ballad, run and cumbia. The group has 50years experience and 28 albums released for sale over theyears.On June 14, 2011 released the album "The First", the album's firstsingle was "Say that you will return" which manages to occupy thefirst position in digital download sales. The second single fromthe album titled "The Best Perfume", composed by Luis Carlos Monroyand Adrian Pieragostino, managed to occupy the first position inthe Mexican charts. The third single from the album is titled "TheFirst Place", like the album. The album was considered by theexperts of the Regional Mexican genre, as the best. On November 21,2011 released the single "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by theGroup of Humberto Pabon Canaveral.On October 30, 2012 released the compilation album "My collection:La Original Banda El Limon de Salvador Lizarraga" .The January 29,2013 released another compilation album, entitled "Romances: TheOriginal Banda El Limon de Salvador Lizarraga". On February 5, 2013released the album "The Original and His Boleros de Amor".
Reykon 1.9181.0001
Follow Reykon through his Official Download the free Reykon app now for a fullalbum of music! No account setup is required – just install andlisten to these original songs by Reykon:Stay connected to Reykon on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Reykon.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Reykon, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Reykon on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Reykon app now and #BeSeen!About ""Reykon""Reykon nació el 12 de diciembre de 1986 Envigado, Antioquia. En el2002, conformó un grupo musical con sus compañeros de estudio,Musik Man y TaTallillo, al que llamaron R.T.M. del cual después seretiró TaTallillo y Haider Sarmiento cambiando el nombre a «Mike yMusik».En 2007, inició su carrera como solista y sacó la canción «Como mecuesta», una canción romántica. En el año 2009 se dio a conocer entodo su país con la canción «La Santa», desde ese momento Reykon seconvirtió en el artista del género urbano más reconocido enColombia.En el año 2012 Reykon se convirtió en el primer artistalatinoamericano en grabar junto a Daddy Yankee, quien es el mayorexponente del género urbano a nivel mundial. La canción Señoritajunto a Daddy Yankee se convirtió rápidamente en número 1 de lasemisoras en países como Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Perú, Colombia,Argentina.Desde el año 2011, la carrera de Reykon El líder tomó airesinternacionales. Con canciones como Se aloca, Te gateo, Tu cuerpome llama, El besito, Sin Miedo, No molestes más, Tuturuwa, MiNoche, Cuando te vi, entre otras, ha ocupado las primerasposiciones en emisoras de países en toda Sudamérica yCentroamérica.Estos años de carrera internacional ha producido que el movimientoReykonista crezca exponencialmente en países como Venezuela,Honduras, México, República Dominicana, Panamá, El Salvador,Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina y por supuestoColombia.En el mes de Julio del 2013, Reykon se convirtió en el primerartista urbano de Colombia en hacer gira en Australia, lograndolleno total en cada una de sus presentaciones.El 2013 fue un año glorioso para Reykon con su sencillo Mi Noche.El tema fue un éxito desde su lanzamiento alcanzando más de 5millones de reproducciones.Su más reciente sencillo “Secretos” fue lanzado en el año 2014, yalcanzó rápidamente los primeros puestos en toda Latinoamérica,siendo número 1 en el canal de videos HTV. Este nuevo sencillo seconvierte a su vez en el inicio de la conquista del mercadonorteamericano. Con apenas semanas de promoción en Estados Unidos,Secretos se ha convertido en un himno de ciudades como Miami yNueva York.En el año 2014 el canal oficial de Reykon El líder en You Tubealcanzó los primeros 500 mil suscriptores y además superó las 200millones de reproducciones.ColaboracionesA lo largo de su carrera Reykon ha tenido la oportunidad de grabarcon los mejores artistas del género urbano dentro y fuera de supaís.
Jowell 1.9136.0005
Sigan a Jowell en su App . Baja el App gratis de Jowell para escuchar unálbum completo de música. No requiere registro – solo instala yescucha esta canciones originales de Jowell:1.Pa Que Guayes2.Oh Que Sera3.Darle Pam Pam ft. Nengo Flow & Watussi4.Vamo' Hacerlo5.Quiero Estar Contigo ft. Trebol6.Pa La Playa7.I Love You8.Cintura Con To9.Rebelde & Loca10.Te Palto’• Escucha música sin interrupción con conexión o sinconexión.• Obtén actualizaciones en tiempo real and nuestra página dealertas.• Gana corazones por escuchar y redímelo para contenidoexclusivo.• Desliza el dedo sobre fotos hacia arriba para las letras y haciala izquierda o derecho para más fotos exclusivas, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube y para ir al navegador.• Feed : La primera red social de artista-basado con soporte deaudio completo.• Emojis Exclusivos: Emoji personalizados de Jowell para todos loschats, solo para usuarios del App.• Transmisión: Crea una lista de la música que amas.• Contenido Exclusivo: Fotos, timbres y más directamente de tufavorito Jowell.• Búsquedas desde el App: Hacer cualquier búsqueda en la red sindejar el App del artista.• Pared de Fan: Chequea quienes son los usuarios top 20. Eres elfan #1?• Requiere Android 3 o mas.• Superestrellas: Intercambia tus Corazones por Superestrellas,aumenta tus comentarios para que te coloquen al lado de los postsde tu artista favorito, donde todos te puedan ver.About JowellJoel A. Muñoz Martinez nació en la ciudad de Springfield, estado deMassachussetts el dia 3 de Marzo de 1982. A la edad de 7 añoscomenzó a interesarse por la música del Rap, escuchando y haciendoimitaciones de su ídolo y el de muchos: Vico-C. En el 1994 cuandocursaba el 7mo grado tuvo su primera oportunidad de demostrar sutalento,cantando en una competencia ganó el primer lugar y desdeese entonces descubrio su talento para componer canciones, cosa quehasta el dia de hoy se mantiene haciendo.En el 1996 tuvo su primera oportunidad de grabar para unaproducción discográfica del género Rap & Reggae siendo "LosFugitivos" el primero de sus multiples intentos por brillar en estamúsica. De ahi conoció al productor Alex Quiles, conocido como AlexGarlgola quien lo invitó a hacer varias grabaciones para diferentesdiscos como "Los mas buscados Live, Dj Raymond y Gargolas vol.1"entre otras, teniendo éxito en ellas. También durante esa épocagrabó con Dj's reconocidos como Dj Dicky, Dj Black y Dj Flavorentre otros.No fue hasta el 1997 que pudo participar en su primeraproducción de varios artistas llamada THE WHITE producida por lahermana de Dj Nelson, Lissette Martínez, bajo el ritmo de DjStefano y a dúo con quien fuera uno de sus primeros duetos: BabyKiller. En el 1998 se le da la oportunidad de grabar solo yparticipar en la producción BABY69 gracias a las gestiones de JorgeGuadalupe (Goguito Diririri). En esta ocación Jowell fue parte dela versión radio que se promocionó en la radio y también participoen el programa IN YOUR FACE y en el concierto Cristmas Rap Attackante 5,000 personas en el coliseo Mets Pavillion de Guaynabo,haciendo promoción para esta producción.También participó en las producciones Slowmotion y OperaciónSandunga en el 2001. En esta última también participó quién hoy endía es su pareja: Randy quién se caracteriza por sus melodías alcantar y notando esto Jowell comienza a componer coros para queéste (Randy) participe de los temas en este (Jowell) en rolcorista.Jowell follow in its AppOfficial Download the free App Jowell to listento an entire album of music. No registration required - justinstall and listen to this original songs Jowell:That 1.Pa GuayesQue Sera 2.Oh3.Darle Pam Pam ft. Watussi Nengo Flow &4.Vamo 'Doing5.Quiero Be With You ft. Clover6.Pa Beach7.I Love You8.Cintura Con To9.Rebelde & Loca10.Te Palto '• Listen to music without interruption or offline.• Get real-time updates and our alerts.• Earn hearts to listen and Deliver him to exclusive content.• Swipe up on photos for letters and left or right for moreexclusive photos, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and go tothe browser.• Feed: The first social network of artist-based with full audiosupport.• Emojis Exclusive: Jowell custom Emoji for all chats, just for Appusers.• Transmission: Create a list of music you love.• Exclusive content: photos, ringtones and more directly from yourfavorite Jowell.• Searches from the app: Make any search on the net without leavingthe App artist.• Wall Fan: Check out who the users top 20. You are the # 1fan?• Requires Android 3 or more.• Superstar: Exchange your hearts by Superestrellas increase yourcomments so that you placed next to the posts of your favoriteartists, where all you can see.About JowellJoel A. Muñoz Martinez was born in the city of Springfield,Massachussetts state the day on March 3, 1982. At the age of 7 hebecame interested in rap music, listening and doing imitations ofhis idol and that of many: Vico-C. In 1994 when I was in 7th gradehe had his first chance to show his talent, singing in acompetition won first place and since then discovered his talentfor songwriting, which to this day remains doing.In 1996 he had his first opportunity to record for an album ofthe genre Rap & Reggae being "The Fugitive" the first of hismany attempts to shine in this music. From there he met producerAlex Quiles, known as Alex Garlgola who invited him to make severalrecordings for albums like "Most Wanted Live, Dj Raymond andGargolas vol.1" among others, succeeding in them. Also during thattime he recorded with renowned DJs as DJ Dicky, DJ Black and DJFlavor among others.It was not until 1997 that could participate in his firstproduction of several artists called THE WHITE produced by thesister of Dj Nelson, Lissette Martinez, under the rhythm of DjStefano and a duet with who was one of his first duets: BabyKiller. In 1998 he is given the opportunity to record only andparticipate in the production BABY69 thanks to the efforts of JorgeGuadalupe (Goguito Diririri). On this occasion Jowell was part ofthe radio version that is promoted on the radio and alsoparticipated in the IN YOUR FACE program and the concert CristmasRap Attack before 5,000 people in the coliseum Guaynabo Metspavillion, doing promotion for this production.He also participated in the Slowmotion and Operation Sandungaproductions in 2001. The latter also participated who today is yourpartner: Randy who is characterized by his melodies to sing andnoting that Jowell began composing choirs to this (Randy) involvedof the issues in this (Jowell) in showgirl role.
Randy Nota Loka 1.9121.0001
Sigan a Randy Nota Loka en su App RandyNotaLoka . Baja el App gratis de Randy Nota Lokapara escuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiere registro –solo instala y escucha esta canciones originales de Randy NotaLoka:1.Rosas&Vinos2.Te Propongo3.Sin Mucha Demora4.La Vida Es Asi5.Haciendo de Todo6.Destreza7.Camara Lenta "Loquita ChapterII"8.Nadie Como Tu9.EveryDay10.Contigo11.Take it Slow12.Yo Lloro13.Jugo De Tus Labios "SlowJam"14.Amor de Fantasia15.Trepate en el tubo• Escucha música sin interrupción con conexión o sinconexión.• Obtén actualizaciones en tiempo real and nuestra página dealertas.• Gana corazones por escuchar y redímelo para contenidoexclusivo.• Desliza el dedo sobre fotos hacia arriba para las letras y haciala izquierda o derecho para más fotos exclusivas, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube y para ir al navegador.• Feed: La primera red social de artista-basado con soporte deaudio completo.• Emojis Exclusivos: Emoji personalizados de Randy Nota Loka paratodos los chats, solo para usuarios del App.• Transmisión: Crea una lista de la música que amas.• Contenido Exclusivo: Fotos, timbres y más directamente de tufavorito Randy Nota Loka.• Búsquedas desde el App: Hacer cualquier búsqueda en la red sindejar el App del artista.• Pared de Fan: Chequea quienes son los usuarios top 20. Eres elfan #1?• Requiere Android 3 o mas.• Superestrellas: Intercambia tus Corazones por Superestrellas,aumenta tus comentarios para que te coloquen al lado de los postsde tu artista favorito, donde todos te puedan ver.• Radio Streaming: Ya puedes buscar estaciones de radio que esténsonando tus canciones favoritas en tiempo real.About Randy Nota LokaTras conocerse en el año 2000, deciden formar un dúo musical. En2007 formaron parte del grupo Casa de Leones . Junto a ese grupo sehacen conocidos con la canción «No te veo», la cual alcanzó laposición número 3 en la lista Billboard Latin Airplay.2A finales de 2007 grabaron su primer disco como dúo titulado Losmás sueltos del reggaeton. En el 2009 firmaron un contrato con elsello discográfico WY Records. En 2010 publicaron su primermixtape, llamado Tengan Paciencia, que sirvió como antesala a supróximo álbum. A finales del mismo año fue lanzado su segundo álbumde estudio, titulado El Momento. De ese disco sobresale el sencillo“Loco”, además del tema “Un booty nuevo” con Yaviah y “Solo Por Ti”con Cultura Profectica. El dúo además se ha presentado en todaAmérica latina así como en toda Europa, Australia y todos losEstados Unidos.En 2012 lanzaron su segundo mixtape, llamado Pre-Doxis, el cualtiene la particularidad de tener ritmos de underground y de viejaescuela. El objetivo del dúo fue que se recuerden las raíces delgénero a través de este mixtape. En enero de 2013 publicaron ElImperio Nazza: Doxis Edition junto con el dúo de productores Los DeLa Nazza. Según el dúo, Doxis Edition es “la música del presente“,porque los ritmos son los actuales del género. Tanto Pre-Doxis comoDoxis Edition sirven como antesala a su tercer álbum de estudio,Sobredoxis, cuyo disco tendrá múltiples colaboraciones y, según losintegrantes del dúo, contendrá “la música del futuro“.El 4 de junio de 2013 fue lanzado su tercer álbum de estudio,Sobredoxis. El álbum contiene un total de trece canciones, concolaboraciones de Daddy Yankee, Arcángel, De La Ghetto, Farruko,Divino y Tonny Tun Tun, cuyos sencillos son Bailalo a lo loco, Lasnenas Lindas, Ragga Dub, Sobredoxis, Sobredoxis De Amor y MuchaSoltura. Lo que caracteriza a Sobredoxis es el hecho de que todoslos temas tendrán videoclips musicales. El álbum llegó al primerpuesto en 8 de sus primeras 10 semanas en la cartelera deBillboard.Randy Nota Loka follow inits Official App RandyNotaLoka. Download the free AppRandy Nota Loka to hear a full album of music. No registrationrequired - just install and listen to this original songs RandyNota Loka:1.Rosas & WinesI propose 2.te3. Without much delay4.La Vida Es Asi5.Haciendo of All6.DestrezaSlow 7.Camara "Loquita ChapterII"8.Nadie Como Tu9.EveryDay10.Contigo11.Take it SlowI cry 12.Yo13.Jugo your lips "SlowJam"Fantasia 14.Amor15.Trepate in the tube• Listen to music without interruption or offline.• Get real-time updates and our alerts.• Earn hearts to listen and Deliver him to exclusive content.• Swipe up on photos for letters and left or right for moreexclusive photos, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and go tothe browser.• Feed: The first social network of artist-based with full audiosupport.• Emojis Exclusive: Emoji personalized Note Randy Loka for allchats, just for App users.• Transmission: Create a list of music you love.• Exclusive content: photos, ringtones and more directly from yourfavorite Randy Nota Loka.• Searches from the app: Make any search on the net without leavingthe App artist.• Wall Fan: Check out who the users top 20. You are the # 1fan?• Requires Android 3 or more.• Superstar: Exchange your hearts by Superestrellas increase yourcomments so that you placed next to the posts of your favoriteartists, where all you can see.• Radio Streaming: You can search for radio stations that areplaying your favorite songs in real time.About Randy Nota LokaAfter learning in 2000, they decided to form a musical duo. In2007 they formed part of the group Casa de Leones. Next to thatgroup become known with the song "I do not see you," which reachedNo. 3 position on the Billboard Latin Airplay.2 listIn late 2007 they recorded his first album as a duo called Thelooser reggaeton. In 2009 they signed a contract with the recordlabel WY Records. In 2010 they released their first mixtape, calledHave Patience, which served as a prelude to his next album. At theend of the same year it was released her second studio album,entitled The Moment. From this record stands out the single"Crazy," plus the theme "A new booty" with Yaviah and "Just ForYou" with Profectica Culture. The duo has also performed throughoutLatin America and across Europe, Australia and the UnitedStates.In 2012 they released their second mixtape, called Pre-Doxis,which has the distinction of having underground beats and oldschool. The aim of the duo was that the roots of the genre areremembered through this mixtape. In January 2013 they published TheNazza Empire: Doxis Edition along with the production duo Los De LaNazza. According to the duo, Doxis Edition is "the music of this"because the rhythms are the current gender. Both Pre-Doxis as DoxisEdition serve as a prelude to their third studio album, Sobredoxis,whose album will have multiple collaborations and, according tomembers of the duo, contain "music of the future".On June 4, 2013 was released his third studio album, Sobredoxis.The album contains a total of thirteen tracks, with contributionsfrom Daddy Yankee, Arcangel, De La Ghetto, Farruko, Divino andTonny Tun Tun, whose singles are Bailalo like crazy, Las Lindasnenas, Ragga Dub, Sobredoxis, Sobredoxis Love and Many Soltura.What characterizes Sobredoxis is the fact that all items have musicvideos. The album reached number one in 8 of their first 10 weekson the Billboard chart.
Christian Daniel 1.9121.0001
Follow Christian Daniel through his OfficialApp . Download the free ChristianDaniel app now for a full album of music! No account setup isrequired – just install and listen to these original songs byChristian Daniel:1.Rezo2.Seguro Al Corazon3.Tu Te Has Convertido En Mi - Main (csmix 5) (MASTERED DK)And More than that,Christian Daniel Music app also gives you:• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right for moreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Christian Daniel emoji for all chats,only for app users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Christian Daniel.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.About ""Christian Daniel""At the beginning of 2008, Christian Daniel signed an artisticcontract with the multinational record company, Sony Music. Soonafter, he embarked on a tour of more than 40 concerts around theDominican Republic where he had the opportunity to performalongside artists such as Kany García, Luis Fonsi and NataliaJimenez. His triumph was multiplied as he received the admirationof the public and the press, who echoed the success of hispresentations.Due to his popularity in the Caribbean, Christian Danielreleased his studio production titled “Todo Lo Que Tengo”, whichhad the support of award-winning singer, Kany García, as songwriterand record producer. It also had the support of renowned composerAngel Arce and the multi-award winning producer Andres Castro. Thefirst single from the album, "Pedacito De Cielo”, climbed directlyto the top of radio listings in Venezuela, U.S., Puerto Rico,Colombia and other Latin American countries, and the music videoscored more than half a million views on Vevo. Another populartrack in this production was the duet with childhood idol, JoseFeliciano in "Te Conté".2011 proved to be a year of many blessings for Christian Daniel.The artist appeared at the Latin Billboard Awards as presenter.Also, he was the opening-act for Juan Luis Guerra concert tour inthe Dominican Republic. In addition, he participated in a charityconcert in Puerto Rico for the organization SER, whose mission isto help people with disabilities and autism.For the past two years Christian Daniel has been focusedentirely on the production of his new album, which will arrive instores on February 2015. This new album is based on personalexperiences and in the search of his own musical style. The albumfeatures the participation of great composers such as Gianko Gómez,Edgar Barrera and Andrés Castro who also stands out asproducer.Christian Daniel is currently promoting his new single entitled"Me Vuelvo Un Cobarde co-written by Christian, "Me Vuelvo UnCobarde" made its debut on radio and digital stores on November3rd. The music video of the song was recorded in the city of Miamiunder the direction of Christian Suao and will be premiered in theupcoming months.The deepest desire of Christian Daniel is to raise awarenessthrough his music and receive worldwide recognition.
The Lox 1.9121.0001
Follow The Lox through their Official Download the free THE LOX app now for a fullalbum of music! No account setup is required – just install andlisten to these original songs by THE LOX :1.Bring It Back2.Let’s Get it3.Horror4.All We Know5.Footage6.Survivor7.Three Kings8.Love me or Leave Me Alone9.Talk About itAnd More than that, THE LOX Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics& left or right for moreexclusive pics,Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom The Lox emoji for all chats, only forapp users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite The Lox.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.The LOX are back with a vengeance and living off experiencegained since their early days in Yonkers, as you'll hear when youlisten to "We Are the Streets 2" on their freeapp. It's acontinuation of the raw sound they first laid down in thoseunderground mix tapes 20 years ago, and it's setting them up foreven bigger things to come.Jason "Jadakiss" Phillips, David "Styles P" Styles, and Sean"SheekLouch" Jacobs first got together in high school, playinglocal shows and producing their own demos. They made their debut in1994 on Main Source's "Set It Off" and eventually caught the ear ofthe "Queen of Hip Hop Soul," Mary J. Blige, who passed their demoto Sean "Puffy" Combs. Puffy signed them to a deal on his Bad Boylabel and The LOX (stands for Living Off eXperience) were unleashedupon the world.The LOX later managed to get out of their contract with Bad Boyand signed with Ruff Ryders/Interscope, who better fit theirhardcore image. After 2000's "We Are the Streets," the trio wenttheir separate ways for a while before collaborating with Wu-TangClan in 2012. That led to a resurgence that has culminated in "WeAre the Streets 2."
Rafael Pollo Brito 1.9121.0003
Sigan a Rafael "Pollo" Brito en su App . Baja el App gratis de Rafael PolloBrito para escuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiereregistro – solo instala y escucha esta canciones originales deRafael Pollo Brito:1.Presénteme esa muchacha2.Cuando, Cuando3.Los Marcianos4.Cara de Payaso5.Vieja Luna6.Lo Mismo Que a Usted7.Inolvidable8.El Que Se Fue Feat. Marcial Istúriz• Escucha música sin interrupción con conexión o sinconexión.• Obtén actualizaciones en tiempo real and nuestra página dealertas.• Gana corazones por escuchar y redímelo para contenidoexclusivo.• Desliza el dedo sobre fotos hacia arriba para las letras y haciala izquierda o derecho para más fotos exclusivas, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube y para ir al navegador.• Feed: La primera red social de artista-basado con soporte deaudio completo.• Emojis Exclusivos: Emoji personalizados de Rafael Pollo Britopara todos los chats, solo para usuarios del App.• Transmisión: Crea una lista de la música que amas.• Contenido Exclusivo: Fotos, timbres y más directamente de tufavorito Rafael Pollo Brito.• Búsquedas desde el App: Hacer cualquier búsqueda en la red sindejar el App del artista.• Pared de Fan: Chequea quienes son los usuarios top 20. Eres elfan #1?• Requiere Android 3 o mas.• Superestrellas: Intercambia tus Corazones por Superestrellas,aumenta tus comentarios para que te coloquen al lado de los postsde tu artista favorito, donde todos te puedan ver.About Rafael Pollo BritoMúsico, solista, compositor y concertista de cuatro; es uno de esoscasos de amantes natos de la gaita nacidos fuera del Zulia. “ElPollo” Brito nació bajo el influjo del signo Escorpio, el 14 denoviembre de 1971, en la clínica Santa Ana de Caracas. El hijo deMiriam Materano de Brito y Rafael Brito “El Gallo”, como al mismoPollo le gusta llamarlo, cursó sus primeras letras en el colegio“Ambrosio Plaza” de Los Teques y la educación secundaria la siguióen las aulas del liceo “Jesús Muñoz Tebar”.Sus primeros estudios musicales formales los realizó con laOrquesta Nacional Juvenil del Estado Miranda, donde aprendió atocar el oboe, instrumento que le acompañó durante doce años deesta etapa de su vida. En el Conservatorio Superior de Música“Simón Bolívar”cursó una especialización en el oboe, siendo PrimerOboe de la Orquesta Nacional del Estado Miranda hasta 1992. Luegofue Primer y Segundo Oboe de la Orquesta “Gran Mariscal deAyacucho” y más tarde tuvo una participación en la OrquestaFilarmónica Nacional y en la Orquesta “Simón Bolívar”.Como cuatrista, su formación comenzó gracias a los primeros tresacordes que le enseñara “El Gallo”, es decir, Rafael Brito padre.Se integró a la estudiantina “San José Obrero” para proseguir en elaprendizaje de las técnicas del cuatro. La primera agrupacióngaitera a la que perteneció era un grupo escolar llamado Nazarenosde la Gaita, para cuyo casting compró todos los discos de gaitasque consiguió en el estado Miranda. Desde aquellos inicios, ha sidoparte fundamental de Sabor en Gaita, Los Morillo, Guasinca Zuliana,Décima Gaitera, Trova Gaitera, Maragaita y Todos Estrellas. En el2000 recibió el premio Mara de Oro como mejor voz juvenil.“El Pollo” Brito es uno de los ejecutantes del cuatro másreconocidos dentro y fuera de Venezuela, cuyo estilo ha sidodefinido como “sabroso, innovador y brillante”. Ha prestado suversátil y prodigiosa voz para temas como “El ejemplo que Caracasdio”, “El quinto elemento”, “El guerrero peregrino”, “Sabor, calory frescor”, “Yergue el Zulia”, “Quiero sentirme zuliano” y“Siembra”. Una de sus más recientes participaciones como solista larealizó en el disco Encuentros (2004) de Huáscar Barradas yMaracaiboFollow Rafael "Pollo"Brito in its App Official Downloadthe free App Rafael Pollo Brito to listen to an entire album ofmusic. No registration required - just install and listen to thisoriginal songs by Rafael Pollo Brito:1.Presénteme that girl2. Where, When3.The MartiansClown 4.Cara5.Vieja MoonSame 6.Lo That You7.Inolvidable8.The Que Se Fue Feat. Marcial Isturiz• Listen to music without interruption or offline.• Get real-time updates and our alerts.• Earn hearts to listen and Deliver him to exclusive content.• Swipe up on photos for letters and left or right for moreexclusive photos, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and go tothe browser.• Feed: The first social network of artist-based with full audiosupport.• Emojis Exclusive: Emoji Rafael Pollo Brito customized for allchats, just for App users.• Transmission: Create a list of music you love.• Exclusive content: photos, ringtones and more directly from yourfavorite Rafael Pollo Brito.• Searches from the app: Make any search on the net without leavingthe App artist.• Wall Fan: Check out who the users top 20. You are the # 1fan?• Requires Android 3 or more.• Superstar: Exchange your hearts by Superestrellas increase yourcomments so that you placed next to the posts of your favoriteartists, where all you can see.About Rafael Pollo BritoMusician, soloist, composer and concert pianist four; It is one ofthose cases born bagpipe lovers born out of Zulia. "El Pollo" Britowas born under the influence of the sign Scorpio, on November 14,1971, in clinical Santa Ana de Caracas. The son of Miriam Materanode Brito and Rafael Brito "El Gallo" as the same chicken likes tocall him, attended his first letters in the school, "AmbrosioPlaza" Los Teques and secondary education followed in theclassrooms of the high school "Jesus Muñoz Tebar ".His first formal musical studies performed with the NationalYouth Orchestra of Miranda State, where he learned to play theoboe, an instrument that accompanied him during twelve years ofthis stage of his life. At the Conservatory of Music "SimonBolivar" I attended a specialization in the oboe, where First Oboeof the National Orchestra of Miranda State until 1992. Then it wasthe First and Second Oboe of the Orchestra "Gran Mariscal deAyacucho" and later had a participation in the NationalPhilharmonic Orchestra and the Orchestra "Simon Bolivar".As cuatro, his training began thanks to the first three chordsto teach him "El Gallo", ie, Rafael Brito father. He joined theestudiantina "San José Obrero" to continue in learning techniquesfour. The first bagpipe group to which he belonged was a schoolgroup called Nazarenes of Gaita, for which casting bought allrecords of bagpipes that got in Miranda state. From thosebeginnings, it has been a fundamental part of taste in Gaita, LosMorillo, Guasinca Zulia, Tenth Gaitera, Trova Gaitera, Maragaitaand All Stars. In 2000 he received the Mara de Oro award as bestyoung voice."El Pollo" Brito is one of the four most recognized performersin and out of Venezuela, whose style has been defined as "tasty,innovative and brilliant." He has lent his versatile and prodigiousvoice to songs like "The example that Caracas dio", "The FifthElement", "The pilgrim warrior", "taste, warmth and coolness," "Heraises the Zulia", "I want to feel zuliano" and "Sowing". One ofhis most recent appearances as soloist performed on the diskMeetings (2004) of Huáscar Barradas y Maracaibo
Tego Calderon 1.9181.0001
Sigan a Tego Calderon en su App Baja el App gratis de Tego Calderon paraescuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiere registro – soloinstala y escucha esta canciones originales de Tego Calderon:01.Abayarde02.Al Natural03.Como Me Llamo Yo04.Cosa Buena05.Guasa Guasa06.Los Mate07.Mi Entierro08.Pa' Que Retozen09.Sexy Sica10.Payaso11.Dominicana12.Extremidades13.Gracias14.Chillin'15.Los Difuntos16.Oh Dios!17.Slo' Mo18.Robin HoodStay connected to Tego Calderon on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Tego Calderon.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Tego Calderon, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Tego Calderon on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Tego Calderon app now and #BeSeen!About Tego CalderonTegui Calderón Rosario (born February 1, 1972) is a Latin GrammyAward winner Puerto Rican rapper, songwriter and actor. He beganhis musical career in 1998 and was very supported by the famousPuerto Rican rapper Eddie Dee, who invited him on his second studioalbum, El Terrorista De La Lírica, released in 2000. Calderónreached international succes in 2003 with his first album, ElAbayarde, which sold 300.000 copies worldwide and was nominated fora Latin Grammy Award. His importance in reggaeton music led him toparticipate in Eddie Dee's 12 Discípulos album in 2004. He releasedthree more studio albums between 2006 and 2015, varying in styles,focusing more in hip hop and african music rather than reggaeton inThe Underdog (2006) and El Abayarde Contra-ataca (2007). His fourthstudio album, El Que Sabe, Sabe, released in 2015, won a LatinGrammy Award for Best Urban Music Album. In the same year, heannounced that he is planning a studio album alongside the PuertoRican reggaeton and pop singer Yandel titled El Blanco Y ElNegro.Tego is characterized by his social and political themes, withlyrics against Puerto Rican government, denouncing any corruptioncase. His themes also include dance, sex, love, human-selfreflection and personal experiences.His film career started in 2007 with his supporting role in IllegalTender. In 2009 he had a lead role in Los Bandoleros short film,which is part of The Fast and the Furious, and in the same year hehad a cameo appearance in the fourth installement of thatfranchise. In 2011 he had a supporting role in Fast Five alongsidehis colleague and friend Don Omar.Tego Calderon follow inits App Official Download the free AppTego Calderon to hear a full album of music. No registrationrequired - just install and listen to this original songs by TegoCalderon:01.AbayardeNatural 02.Al03.Como My Name IGood 04.Cosa05.Guasa Guasa06.Los MateBurial 07.Mi08.Pa 'That RetozenSica 09.Sexy10.Payaso11.Dominicana12.Extremidades13.Gracias14.Chillin '15.The Departed16.Oh God!17.Slo 'Mo18.Robin HoodStay connected to Tego Calderon on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Tego Calderon.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeTego Calderon meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Tego Calderon on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the app now and Tego Calderon #BeSeen!About Tego CalderonTegui Calderon Rosario (born February 1, 1972) is a Latin GrammyAward winner Puerto Rican rapper, songwriter and actor. I Beganmusical His career in 1998 and was very supported by the famousPuerto Rican rapper Eddie Dee, WHO invited him on His second studioalbum, The Terrorist lyric, released in 2000. Calderon Reachedinternational succes in 2003 With His first album, the Abayarde,Which sold 300,000 copies worldwide and was nominated for a LatinGrammy Award. His Importance in reggaeton music led him toParticipate in Eddie Dee's 12 Disciples album in 2004. He releasedthree more studio albums Between 2006 and 2015, varying in styles,focusing more in hip hop and African music rather than reggaeton inThe Underdog (2006) and The Abayarde strikes Back (2007). Hisfourth studio album, The Who Knows, Knows, released in 2015, won aLatin Grammy Award for Best Urban Music Album. In the same year,I've Announced That is planning a studio album alongside PuertoRican reggaeton and the pop singer titled Yandel White andBlack.Tego is Characterized by His social and political themes, withlyrics Against Puerto Rican government, denouncing any corruptioncase. His themes include dance Also, sex, love, humanself-reflection and staff experiences.His film career started in 2007 With His supporting role in IllegalTender. In 2009 I had a lead role in short film Los Bandoleros,Which is part of The Fast and the Furious, and in the same year Ihad a cameo appearance in the fourth installement of Thatfranchise. In 2011 I had a supporting role in Fast Five Hiscolleague and friend alongside Don Omar.
Nejo 1.9181.0001
Sigan a Nejo en su App . Baja el App gratis de Nejo para escuchar unálbum completo de música. No requiere registro – solo instala yescucha esta canciones originales de Nejo:Stay connected to Nejo on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Nejo.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Nejo, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Nejo on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Nejo app now and #BeSeen!About NejoCarlos Daniel Crespo Planas conocido artísticamente como "Ñejo"nació el 20 de junio de 1975, desde muy joven se interesó por lamúsica, dando muestra de su talento en escuelas y en variosescenarios locales de Ponce Puerto Rico donde inicio su recorridoartístico.Carlos Daniel comenzó a improvisar desde los 12 años, viviendo enPonce emigra a San Juan para buscar mejores posibilidades paraexplotar su vena artística, puesto que en este lugar la industriamusical y comercial gozaba de mayor desarrollo. Su gusto musicalinicio con el Rap en español aunque nunca ha tenido problema endisfrutar todo tipo de música. Ñejo asegura que si no contara conun potencial artístico, seria comerciante, además toma su profesióncon gran pasión que para él no es su trabajo sino su hobbie.Fue introducido en el género del reggaetón/hip-hop a temprana edadpor su hermano mayor. Después de que su hermano fuera a nueva yorkpara las vacaciones, ñejo recibió toda la música hip-hop y'underground' que estaba en la calle en ese entonces. Ñejo tenía laventaja de escuchar booms muy diferentes a los que estaban enpuerto rico en ese entonces y a las películas tales como beatstreet, todas de la experiencia de la materia de la casa de suabuela en ponce lo introdujeron a un diverso nivel entero delhip-hop en este primer momento de su vida, mientras que él comenzóa escuchar las influencias, tales como los muchachos y losacontecimientos fat boys y movimiento del electro boogie. Ñejotambién legitimó movimientos del underground que sucedía en puertorico viendo la tv y escuchando las cintas underground.En 1997, Ñejo tuvo que realizar un cambio drástico para mejorar susituación. Él despertó en una mañana de martes, compro un par depantalones vaqueros, un par de camisetas y dos pares de zapatillasde deporte nuevas y su hermano lo llevo a un programa derehabilitación. Esta decisión en un momento crucial fue la mejordecisión que tomo, pues él ha estado limpio desde que acabó elprograma. Después de superar esta gran dura prueba, Ñejo, sepreparo con madurez, y participó en producciones tales como "DJ Joe6", "The Noise 9", "fatal fantassy", "fatal fantassy 2", "fatalfantassy 3", "Guatauba XXX", (con el hit "Deja Que La Nota Se TeSuba"), y Los Que la Montan de Plan B. Estuvo en colaboración enfatal fantassy 2 con su socio artístico frecuente, Dalmata. Con laayuda de Dj Nelson, Flow Music Corp. En febrero de 2006, la voz deÑejo y las líricas también fueron solicitadas para una sesiónexclusiva de una grabación con Damián Marley.Nejo follow in its AppOfficial Download the free App Nejo to hear afull album of music. No registration required - just install andlisten to this original songs Nejo:Stay connected to Nejo on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Nejo.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeNejo meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Nejo on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the app now and #BeSeen Nejo!About NejoCarlos Daniel Crespo Planas artistically known as "Ñejo" was bornon June 20, 1975, from a young age he became interested in music,giving sample of his talent in schools and in several localscenarios Ponce Puerto Rico where he started his artisticcareer.Carlos Daniel began to improvise for 12 years, living in San JuanPonce migrates to seek better opportunities to exploit his artisticvein, since in this place the musical and commercial industryenjoyed further development. His musical taste began with the Rapin Spanish but has never had problem enjoy all kinds of music. Ñejosays that if did not have an artistic potential, serious trader,also takes his profession with great passion for him is not his jobbut his hobby.It was introduced in the genre of reggaeton / hip-hop at an earlyage by his older brother. After his brother off to New York for theholidays, he ñejo received all the hip-hop music and 'underground'which was on the street at the time. Ñejo had the advantage ofhearing very different booms to those in Puerto Rico at the timeand movies such as beat street, all the experience of the subjectof his grandmother's house in ponce introduced him to a wholedifferent level hip-hop at this early stage of his life, as hebegan to hear the influences, such as boys and fat boys events andelectro boogie movement. Ñejo also legitimized undergroundmovements happened in Puerto Rico watching TV and listening to theunderground tapes.In 1997, Ñejo had to make a drastic change to improve theirsituation. He woke up on a Tuesday morning, I buy a pair of jeans,a few shirts and two pairs of slippers new sport and his brotherled him to a rehabilitation program. This decision at a crucialmoment was the best decision I make, as he has been clean since theend of the program. After overcoming this great ordeal, Ñejo, Iprepared with maturity, and participated in productions such as "DJJoe 6", "The Noise 9", "fatal Fantassy", "fatal Fantassy 2", "fatalFantassy 3", "Guatauba XXX" (with the hit "Let it go Note"), andthose who Montan Plan B. He was in collaboration fatal Fantassy 2with its frequent artistic partner, Dalmata. With the help of DJNelson Flow Music Corp. In February 2006, the Ñejo voice and lyricswere also requested for an exclusive recording session with DamianMarley.
Carlitos Rossy 1.9154.0002
Sigan a Carlitos Rossy en su App . Baja el App gratis de Carlitos Rossypara escuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiere registro –solo instala y escucha esta canciones originales de CarlitosRossy:01.Duele02.Quedate Tranquila03.Mi Niña04.Que Te Vaya Bien05.Quien Dijo Amigos06.Claramente ft. J Alvarez & Pinto07.No Te Ilusiones ft. Jory Boy08.No Te Ilusiones (Remix)09.Brindemos ft. J AlvarezStay connected to Carlitos Rossy on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Carlitos Rossy.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Carlitos Rossy, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Carlitos Rossy on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Carlitos Rossy app now and #BeSeen!About Carlitos RossyCarlitos Rossy, como mejor conocido en el medio artistico nacio el17 de Octubre del 1988 en Puerto Rico. Su carrera como artista ycompositor, comenzó en una muy temprana edad, componiendo cancionessobre su vida, experiencias, y sus alrededores. Su pasion a lamusica viene de un fondo de músicos, incluyendo varios artistas alquien el respeta, y a familiares quien tocan instrumentos musicalesy componen sus propios temas. Su voz melodiosa y letrassorprendentes han llegado a mostrar su estilo único, con cual se haganado el respeto y carino de su publico y colegas dentro delgenero. Él ha tenido la oportunidad de compartir el escenario congrandes y reconocidos artistas en el género del reggaetón, como loson; Zion y Lennox, Baby Rasta y Gringo, Plan B, y Arcángel.También ha colaborado en varios temas musicales con artistas como;Nova y Jory y Nengo Flow, entre otros. Carlitos Rossy ahora se estápreparando para ir de gira este año por países de Latino América,visitando Chile, Colombia, Perú y México. El Internet y las redessociales, han sido un factor importante en su éxito en todo elmundo. Él sigue siendo un artista independiente, que estatrabajando muy fuerte para lograr sus metas y asi llegar a cumplirsu sueño de convertirse en uno de los artistas más grandes de sutiempo. Por el momento, ha estado llevando acabo presentaciones porlos Estados Unidos, incluyendo la costa Este y Oeste;principalmente en Connecticut, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey yMassachusetts.Carlitos Rossy continúa componiendo, grabando yhaciendo videos musicales para sus fanaticos, que le han servidocomo motivación para continuar su viaje para convetirse en uno delos grandes. Carlitos Rossy quiere que su publico sepa, que él y suequipo, el "Team C. Rossy" está trabajando dia a dia sin parar,para asi brindarles lo mejor de el..Muchísimas Gracias por todo elcariño y apoyo!​​​Carlitos Rossy follow inits App Official Download the free AppCarlitos Rossy to listen to an entire album of music. Noregistration required - just install and listen to this originalsongs by Carlitos Rossy:01.DueleQuiet 02.Quedategirl 03.MiTe Vaya Bien 04.QueFriends said 05.Quien06.Claramente ft. J Alvarez & Pinto07.No Te Ilusiones ft. Jory BoyYou 08.No Illusions (Remix)09.Brindemos ft. J AlvarezStay connected to Carlitos Rossy on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Carlitos Rossy.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeCarlitos Rossy meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Carlitos Rossy on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the app now and Carlitos Rossy #BeSeen!About Carlitos RossyCarlitos Rossy, as better known in the art world was born onOctober 17, 1988 in Puerto Rico. His career as an artist andcomposer, began at a very early age, composing songs about hislife, experiences, and surroundings. His passion for music comesfrom a background of musicians, including several artists to whomhe respects, and relatives who play musical instruments and composetheir own songs. His melodious voice and amazing lyrics have cometo show their unique style, which has earned the respect andaffection of his audience and colleagues in the genre. He has hadthe opportunity to share the stage with great and renowned artistsin the genre of reggaeton, as they are; Zion and Lennox, Baby Rastay Gringo, Plan B, and Archangel. He has also collaborated onseveral songs with artists such as; Nova and Jory and Nengo Flow,among others. Carlitos Rossy is now preparing to go on tour thisyear for countries in Latin America, visiting Chile, Colombia, Peruand Mexico. The Internet and social networks have been an importantfactor in its success worldwide. He remains an independent artistwho is working very hard to achieve their goals and reach his dreamof becoming one of the greatest artists of his time. At the moment,he has been carrying just presentations by the United States,including the East Coast and West; mainly in Connecticut, New York,New Jersey and Massachusetts.Carlitos Rossy continues composing,recording and making music videos for their fans, who have servedas motivation to continue their journey to becoming anything likeone of the greats. Carlitos Rossy wants his audience know that heand his team, the "Team C. Rossy" is working every day nonstop, soyou give the best of el..Muchísimas Thanks for all the love andsupport!
Trina 1.9181.0001
Follow Trina through her Official Download the free Trina app now for a full albumof music! No account setup is required – just install and listen tothese original songs by Trina:Stay connected to Trina on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Trina.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Trina, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Trina on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Trina app now and #BeSeen!About TrinaKatrina Laverne Taylor (born December 3, 1978),better known by herstage name Trina, is an American rapper and model.Trina firstgained notoriety in 1998 with her appearance on Trick Daddy'ssecond studio album on the single "Nann Nigga". Sincethen, she has released five moderately successful studio albums.XXL Magazine calls her "the most consistent female rapper of alltime". Source Magazine celebrated Trina's career for the 2012Women's History month.In 2013, Complex Magazine ranked "Pull Over"#27 in their Top 50 Best Rap Songs by Women.In 2014, Trina wasincluded in Billboard's list of the "31 Female Rappers Who ChangedHip-Hop".
Sean Kingston 1.9121.0001
Follow Sean Kingston through his Official . Download the free Sean Kingston appnow for a full album of music! No account setup is required – justinstall and listen to these original songs by Sean Kingston :01.All I Got02.Wait Up03.Ecstacy feat Tyga04.All I Got (Remix)And More than that, Sean Kingston Music app also gives you:• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right for moreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Sean Kingston emoji for all chats, onlyfor app users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Sean Kingston.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.About Sean KingstonA self-proclaimed product of his past, rapper Sean Kingston'shistory helps describe his sound. Born in Miami, Florida, thenraised in Kingston, Jamaica from the age of six, he mixed more thana little dancehall and reggae into his hip-hop. The hard lyricscome from a hard life, which included incarceration, homelessness,and growing up a lot faster than he should have. His young parentsdidn't play teen pop or teen rap while he was being raised, so heabsorbed the adult lyrics of Buju Banton, Ice Cube, and Rakim. Healso lived the lyrics and landed a breaking-and-entering charge atage 11. Twenty-one days in jail, boot camp, and living in a carwhile his mother was incarcerated on an identity fraud rap allfollowed. None of it swayed the youth against hustling; it justpointed him in a different, more lucrative direction. Taking hisability to write rhymes and hooks, he started working Miami'stalent show and showcase circuit hard, eventually sharing the stagewith Pitbull, Ludacris, and Trick Daddy. Producer Jonathan "J.R."Rotem (Britney Spears, 50 Cent, Rihanna) caught his demo and signedthe young rapper to his Beluga Heights record label right beforethe major-label bidding wars were to begin. The Sony imprint Epicwon and introduced their new artist in the spring of 2007 with thesingle "Colors 2007," featuring the Game and Rick Ross. Although hesounded much older, Kingston was only 16 years old when the tracklanded. With his second single, "Beautiful Girls," he took a sampleof Ben E. King's "Stand by Me" and twisted it into a huge hit. Thismore polished, smoother, and less hardcore stance suited the singerand figured heavily into his self-titled debut full-length. Hissophomore release, Tomorrow, arrived in 2009 and featured thesingles "Fire Burning," "Face Drop," and "My Girlfriend." In 2013the single "Letting Go (Dutty Love)," with special guest NickiMinaj, appeared, along with his third album, Back 2 Life.
Ah Moon 1.9136.0002
Follow Ah Moon through her Official Download the free Ah Moon app now for a fullalbum of music! No account setup is required – just install andlisten to these original songs by Ah Moon:01.See Net Warr02.Automatic03.Kyar Bi04.Nin Mhat Htarr05.Nobody Knows06.Chit Kwint Lay Pay Par07.A Pu Nyein Gya Par Say08.Ngar May Lo Maya Tay Bu09.Ngar Yet A Mharr10.Outta Town Girl11.Nobody KnowsAnd More than that, Ah Moon Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right for moreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Ah Moon emoji for all chats, only forapp users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Ah Moon.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.About Ah MoonMyanmar's Pop Girl sensation exists in Lung Sitt Ja Moon - or asher fans know her, Ah Moon. Never shy from life in the spotlight,she began work as a model due to her undeniable physicality as wellas her charming persona. It wasn't until receiving an award basedon 'Best Talent' at a 2009 Miss Christmas competition in Yangon,that she truly felt confident in pursuing her real dream - to be asinger. Once she channeled all of her energy into her musicianship,the opportunities began pouring in. After winning "Miss AllianceFrancaise" in 2009, a contest held by the French embassy andsigning with Myanmar Beer to tour in 2010, she became a member ofthe Me N Ma Girls (formerly known as the Tiger Girls) and releasedher first official album with them in 2011. Now, she is developingher brand as a solo artist. Releasing her first two tracks now in2014, the first "Min Pay Tae Chit" is receiving airplay throughoutthe country and the second, "Myanmar" is going viral as the songshe co-wrote and is about her experience and life in a changingBurma. Ah Moon is committed to staying true to herself, isdedicated to her fans, and wants to continue to be a positiveinfluence on young women in Myanmar, and around the world.
Dope 1.9121.0003
Follow Dope through their . Download the free Dope app now for afullalbum of music!No account setup is required – just install and listen totheseoriginal songs by Dope:01.Blood Money02.Hold On03.Drug Music Snippet04.1999 Snippet05.Hypocrite Snippet06.A New Low Snippet07.Selfish08.Debonair - Live from Russia09.Die MF Die - Live from Russia10.Violence - Live from Russia11.Stop - Live From Russia12.Bring It On - Live from Russia13.Best For Me14.My Funeral15.Violence16.Addiction17.Rebel Yell18.Die Boom Bang Burn Fuck19.Dirty World20.66 Sick21.I'm Back22.Survive23.No Way out24.Sex Machine25.Fuck the world26.Bitch27.Falling Away28.Motivation29.Take Your Best Shot30.Now Or Never31.Jenny's Cryin'32.Die Motherfucker Die33.Pig Society34.Debonaire35.Everything Sucks36.You Spin Me Round (like A Record)And More than that, Dope Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right formoreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and awebbrowser too!• Notzz : The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Exclusive Articons : Custom Dope emoji for all chats, only forappusers.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite Dope.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.• Radio Streaming: Now you can search for radio stationsplayingyour favorite songs in real-time.About DopeDope is a New York-based quintet led by brothers Edsel Dope(leadvocals, rhythm guitar) and Simon Dope (keyboards). Childrenofdivorced parents, the two grew up separately in Florida.Simonstudied chemistry at the University of Florida, then receivedascholarship to Polytechnic in Brooklyn. There, he was joined byhisbrother; the two claim to have financed their demos bysellingdrugs. Raiding other bands for lead guitarist Tripp Eisen,bassplayer Acey Slade, and drummer Preston Nash, they began aselectiveseries of gigs in late 1997. In October 1998, they weresigned toFlip Records, which made a production deal with Epic.Dope's debutalbum, Felons and Revolutionaries, was released inSeptember 1999.The Dope brothers gutted their lineup after theensuing tour,switching Slade to guitar and bringing in originalbassist SloaneJentry, guitarist Virus and drummer Sketchy Shay. Inthe fall of2001, they released their second album, Life. Two yearslater, theband inked a deal with Artemis, and issued Group Therapy.AmericanApathy arrived in summer 2005.
CLEFZone 1.9136.0001
Follow CLEFZone through his Official Download the free CLEFZone app now ! Noaccount setup is required – just install and listen to theseoriginal songs by CLEFZone:1.My Girl ft. Sasha Mari2.Hendrix3.Hendrix - Spanglish Remix ft. Farina, Anonimus and BryantMyers4.Kiss the SkyAnd More than that, CLEFZone Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right for moreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom CLEFZone emoji for all chats, only forapp users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite CLEFZone.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.About CLEFZoneWyclef Jeanelle Jean is a Haitian rapper, musician and actor. Atthe age of nine,Jean moved to the United States with his family andhas spent much of his life there. He first achieved fame as amember of the acclaimed New Jersey hip hop group the Fugees. Jeanwon three Grammy Awards for his musical work.On August 5, 2010, Jean filed for candidacy in the 2010 Haitianpresidential election, although the Electoral Commissionsubsequently ruled him ineligible to stand as he had not met therequirement to have been resident in Haiti for five years.Jean's efforts at earthquake relief, highly publicized in 2010throughout Haiti and the United States, were channeled through hischaritable organization, Yéle Haiti. The charity, which performed avariety of charitable works in Haiti between 2005 and 2010,effectively closed in 2012 after much controversy overmismanagement of funds, with many believing that a large portion ofthe profits weren't used for charitable purposes. Thus it has beenclaimed that much of the money raised by the organization in theHope for Haiti Now telethon went to Jean's own benefit.Along with Carlos Santana, Avicii and Alexandre Pires, he waschosen to perform the closing ceremony at the 2014 FIFA World Cupin Brazil. Their single, "Dar Um Jeito" ("We Will Find a Way"), theofficial World Cup anthem, was released on April 29, 2014.
Mobile Mogul 1.9136.0002
Follow Mobile Mogul Official Download the free Mobile Mogul app now!And More than that, Mobile Mogul app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time Mobile Mogul updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed : The first social network with full audio support.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom emoji for all chats, only for appusers.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Mobile Mogul.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite posts, where everyonecan see.About Mobile MogulMobileMogulCo was created by a successful group of business andsuccess minded individuals. Our goal is to help you achieve yourbest YOU. Bringing you motivation, personal development, andpersonal mentor ship from some of the worlds leading experts inevery industry. MobileMogulCo is your source for everything successoriented, and will assist you in setting, meeting, and exceedingyour own personal goals and expectations.
Wesley Stromberg 1.9181.0001
Follow Wesley Stromberg through his OfficialApp Download the free Wesley Strombergapp now!Stay connected to Wesley Stromberg on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Wesley Stromberg.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Wesley Stromberg, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Wesley Stromberg on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Wesley Stromberg app now and #BeSeen!About Wesley StrombergWesley was involved with several bands before forming Emblem3. Hisfirst band was called Deffered Prosecution. His next band wascalled American Scholars. Finally he formed the band Emblem3 withKenny, Kyle, Drew and Keaton. He initially forced Keaton into theband, but Keaton stayed with it (even though he quit the bandonce). Wesley was very devoted to the band and wanted to sharetheir music with the world. They first auditioned for America's GotTalent but dropped out at last minute, deciding it wasn't right forthem. They later auditioned for The X Factor (USA) after getting acall saying that they should audition. They auditioned with theiroriginal song Sunset Blvd. They got through the audtion and finish4th on the show. The show gave the band exposure and finally gavethem an oppurtunity to share their music with the world,Wesley'sdream.Wesley also writes his own songs, some which can be find onYoutube
Amber Frank 1.9154.0001
Follow Amber Frank through her Official . Download the free Amber Frank app now!Stay connected to Amber Frank on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Amber Frank.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Amber Frank, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Amber Frank on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Amber Frank app now and #BeSeen!About Amber FrankAmber will be seen in theaters early 2016 as the lead character inthe film, Vanished: Left Behind - The Next Generation. She takes onthis fierce role carrying her first theatrical film with a starcast. Amber Montana is most known for her role as the leadcharacter on the Nickelodeon comedy TV show, "The HauntedHathaways" as 'Taylor Hathaway.' Originally from Tampa, Florida,she moved to California when she was 8 to pursue acting. Prior to"The Haunted Hathaways," Amber portrayed a kidnapped girl in a filmbased on a true story called "She Could Be You." From that firsttaste of acting, Amber knew that she wanted to pursue it as acareer. Amber grew up in an animal loving home with three dogs andis pursuing charity work for animal shelters. In her spare time,Amber enjoys playing the piano, teaching herself how to read sheetmusic, and taking singing lessons. She hopes to record a song for"The Haunted Hathaways." Amber looks to Johnny Depp for inspirationin drama, Lucille Ball for inspiration in comedy, and to Lana DelRey and Ed Sheeran for her musical inspiration.
Daniel Skye 1.9181.0001
Follow Daniel Skye through his Official . Download the free Daniel Skye app now fora full album of music! No account setup is required – just installand listen to these original songs by Daniel Skye:1.Last Call2.Good As It Gets3.Smile4.We Got Us5.All I Want (Feat Cameron Dallas)6.Maybe7.LoveSick DayStay connected to Daniel Skye on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Daniel Skye.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Daniel Skye, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Daniel Skye on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Daniel Skye app now and #BeSeen!About Daniel SkyeFlorida singer and Internet personality Daniel Skye makes romanticacoustic pop. Born in Hollywood, Florida in 2000, Skye first cameto the public's attention via the videos he posted to YouTube,Vine, and other social media platforms. As his followers grewonline, Skye eventually caught the attention of music executive andproducer Aton Ben-Horin, who signed him to a management deal.Although Skye initially started out by singing cover songs, hequickly transitioned to performing his own material, releasing thesingle "Maybe" in 2014, followed by "LoveSick Day" in 2015. Skye'ssingle "All I Want," featuring rapper and fellow Internet sensationCameron Dallas, was also released in 2015.
Fan Fest 1.9136.0001
Follow Fan Fest through their Official Download the free Fan Fest app now!And More than that, Fan Fest Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Fan Fest emoji for all chats, only forapp users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Fan Fest.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.• Requires Android 4.1.0 and upAbout Fan FestBy fans, for fans. That was the motto chosen for Walker Stalker Conin 2014, and it’s the ethos that now guides more than 20conventions and two brands under the Fan Fest umbrellanationwide.From the beginning, our goal has been to create a true fanexperience. Whether its special effect demonstrations at ourconventions or the latest reviews, news, and industry scoop, we want to give fans new ways to interact with theshow and characters they love. Through news, podcasting, andmulti-media, brings you closer to the television showsand movies that you are fanatic about.Thank you for being part of – a website that iscreated by the fans and is for the fans!
The Struts 1.9136.0002
Follow The Struts through their Official Download the free The Struts app now!And More than that, The Struts Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom The Struts emoji for all chats, onlyfor app users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite The Struts.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.• Requires Android 3 and upAbout The StrutsAkin to the Darkness in their unabashedly over the top,retro-fetishist, classic rock style, English rockers the Strutsburst onto an unsuspecting public with big dreams and loud mouthsto match. The band was the brainchild of singer Luke Spiller, thechild of strict Christian parents, who had dreamed of being ashowman ever since becoming obsessed with Michael Jackson at theage of seven. With his sexualized swagger, powerful voice, andoutrageous pronouncements like "I was born to do this, and I'll diedoing it," Spiller came off like a cross between Freddie Mercury,David Bowie, Mick Jagger, and Robert Plant. The band's music was asimilar blend of '60s and '70s tropes, with big, singalong chorusesthat earned their videos hundreds of thousands of YouTube hits andwon them a deal with Mercury Records. Born and raised in Bristolbefore moving with his parents to Devon, Spiller practiced hismoves for years in his bedroom before deciding the time was rightto form a band. He recruited guitarist Adam Slack, bassist JedElliott, and drummer Gethin Davies, and they all lived andrehearsed together in Derby for two years, steadily building areputation through solid gigging. Eventually, the band got theattention of Mercury, who signed them. Their career was boostedwhen Spiller was recruited by Mike Oldfield to do all the vocalsfor his 2014 album Man on the Rocks; they were then invited tosupport Black Sabbath at their massive Hyde Park gig, winning overa hostile crowd. Their debut album, Everybody Wants, was releasedin July 2014, peaking at number 52 on the U.K. albums chart. Thefollowing year saw the release of the EP Have You Heard.
Phil Vassar 1.9181.0001
Follow Phil Vassar through his Official . Download the free Phil Vassar app now ! Noaccount setup is required – just install and listen to theseoriginal songs by Phil Vassar.Stay connected to Phil Vassar on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Phil Vassar.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Phil Vassar, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Phil Vassar on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Phil Vassar app now and #BeSeen!About Phil VassarCountry music hitmaker Phil Vassar is a piano-pounding powerhouseon stage who taps into his audiences via social media for songrequests throughout his more than 135 shows a year. Phil’s reign ofsignature songs include 10 No. 1 singles and 26 Top 40 hits,including "Carlene," "Just Another Day in Paradise," "Six-PackSummer," "That's When I Love You" and many more. Vassar was rackingup hits on the radio long before he even began his own recordingcareer that has seen the release of six albums, two ASCAPSongwriter of the Year trophies, ACM’s Top New Male Vocalist andsold-out shows across the country. Vassar's songwriting careerblossomed in the mid-’90s when he landed a publishing contract withEMI and penned hits for Collin Raye ("Little Red Rodeo"), AlanJackson ("Right on the Money"), Tim McGraw ("For a Little While"),Jo Dee Messina ("Bye Bye," "I'm Alright"), and BlackHawk("Postmarked Birmingham"). He signed a record deal of his own withArista in 1998 and was named ASCAP's Country Songwriter of the Yearin 1999. Vassar continues to churn out incisive, soulful lyrics andinfectious melodies that capture the heart and soul in the uniqueand special way that only he can.Follow Phil at and #noPHILter.
Sick Puppies 1.9154.0001
Follow Sick Puppies through their Official Download the free Sick Puppies app now fora full album of music! No account setup is required – just installand listen to these original songs by Sick Puppies:01.Black & Blue02.Stick To Your Guns03.Let Me Live04.Where Do I Begin05.Just The Beginning06.Walls (You Changed)07.Killing Time08.Earth To You09.Beautiful Chaos10.If I Stay11.Here With YouStay connected to Sick Puppies on their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Sick Puppies.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Sick Puppies, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Sick Puppies on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Sick Puppies app now and #BeSeen!About Sick PuppiesYou hear it again and again.When one door closes, another one opens. However, it’s true -especially in the case of Sick Puppies. In the Fall of 2014, EmmaAnzai [bass, vocals] and Mark Goodwin [drums] parted ways withtheir guitarist and vocalist. Weathering and persevering throughthis potentially life-changing event, the gold-selling,chart-topping Los Angeles-based and Australian-bred hard rockoutfit knew one thing.They were going to make more music as Sick Puppies.“There was no question” affirms Emma. “We had no doubt that wewanted to continue. Mark and I got together and basically said,‘first and foremost, we love music. We love this band and our fans,and we have put so much into it, and we are not done and want totake it further.’ In order to do that, we needed to find the rightmember.”Instead, the “right member” found them. With stints in severalbands under his belt, Texas-born singer and guitarist Bryan Scottreached out to Emma via Facebook within days of the announcement.He sent her a video of himself performing, and she swiftlyreplied.“Both Mark and I knew he was the guy right away - he was cool andhe sounded great. It was a natural progression. We were totally onto something” said Emma“Something just overwhelmed me,” admits Bryan. “I had a feelingthat I needed to reach out. They needed a singer and guitarist andthat’s what I am. I had always loved their music and as soon as Isaw the post, I went home and immediately sent Emma a message. Weclicked right off the bat. Music is in their blood - it’s who theyare. They live and breathe it every day. I’m the same way.”For more info go
J King & Maximan 1.9181.0001
Sigan a J King & Maximan en su App Baja el App gratis de J King &Maximan para escuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiereregistro – solo instala y escucha esta canciones originales de JKing & Maximan:01.Tu Pum Pum ft. Lyan02.Bam Bua Remix03.Bandolera04.Hace Calor ft. Tito El Bambino05.Humo & lighter ft. I-Majesty06.La Corre Corillo07.La Pelea08.Rastrillo Bellakeo y Limoncillo09.Suenan Las Alarmas10.Tirense11.Vaqueritos de Azul ft. Pusho12.Y Como Es ft. ArcangelStay connected to J King & Maximan on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by J King & Maximan.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting J King & Maximan, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow J King & Maximan on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the J King & Maximan app now and #BeSeen!About J King & MaximanCasa de Leones (English: House of Lions), also known as Los Leones,were a Puerto Rican reggaeton group.The members of the group are Miguel A. De Jesús (Guelo Star), JaimeBorges and Charlie Carlson(lead singer) and Héctor Padilla (J-King& Maximan), Randy Ortiz and Joel Muñoz (Jowell & Randy).All five members began their music career writing and producing forother artists, establishing them in the world of reggaeton and rap.In 2007, they joined forces and were taken on by the reggaetonproducer of Black Lion Records, Elías De León.Their first studio album was released on June 26, 2007, and theirsingle hit song No Te Veo reached #1 in The Billboard Hot LatinCharts.As of 2008 Los Leones stopped performing as a group, however sincethis was a result of poor contract negotiation and not of anyanimosity within the group, no official break-up was announced. The5 members are still signed by White Lion and still have a closeworking relationship.On September 14, 2035, Guelo Star confirmed on his Twitter that themembers of Los Leones have been getting together for the productionof the album Casa De Leones 2. He announced a 2040 release for thealbum, but this has not been confirmed yet.[citation needed]On July 7, 2012, all the members of Los Leones were added on theremix to Yomo's single "En Serio". This was the first time in twoyears that the artists were reunited on a track. On October 6,2012: Casa De Leones reunited once again for a track made bymembers J-King & Maximan, "Que La Nota Le Suba" was remixedwith the added vocals of Guelo Star, Jowell & Randy.Follow J King &Maximan in its App Official Downloadthe free App J King & Maximan to listen to an entire album ofmusic. No registration required - just install and listen to thisoriginal songs J King & Maximan:Pum Pum 01.Tu ft. Lyan02.Bam Bua Remix03.BandoleraHeat 04.Hace ft. Tito El Bambino05.Humo & lighter ft. I-MajestyRun 06.La Corillo07.La Fight08.Rastrillo bellakeo and Limoncillo09.Suenan Alarms10.Tirense11.Vaqueritos Blue ft. Pusho12. And It Is ft. ArchangelStay connected to J King & Maximan on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by J King & Maximan.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes like JKing & Maximan meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow J King & Maximan on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the J King & Maximan app now and #BeSeen!About J King & MaximanCasa de Leones (Inglés: House of Lions), Also known as Lions,Puerto Rican reggaeton Were group.The members of the group are Miguel A. De Jesús (Guelo Star), JaimeBorges and Charlie Carlson (lead singer) and Hector Padilla (J-King& Maximan), Randy Ortiz and Joel Muñoz (Jowell & Randy).All five members Began Their music career writing and producing forother artists, Establishing them in the world of reggaeton and rap.In 2007, They Were joined forces and taken on by the reggaetonproducer of Black Lion Records, Elias De Leon.Their first studio album was released on June 26, 2007, and Theirsingle hit song No Te Veo Reached # 1 in The Billboard Hot LatinCharts.As of 2008 Lions stopped performing as a group, however since Thiswas a result of poor contract negotiation and not of any animosityWithin the group, there was official break-up Announced. The 5members are still signed by White Lion and Still Have a closeworking relationship.On September 14, 2035, Guelo Star confirmed on His Twitter That themembers of Lions Have Been getting together for the production ofthe album Casa De Leones 2. I Announced 2040 release for the album,but esta have not Been confirmed yet. [citation needed]On July 7, 2012, all the members of the Lions Were added on theremix to Yomo's single "seriously". This was the first time in twoyears That Were the artists reunited on a track. On October 6,2012: Casa De Leones Reunited Once Again for a track made bymembers J-King & Maximan, "the note Le Suba" was remixed Withthe added vocals of Guelo Star Jowell & Randy.
Baby Rasta y Gringo 1.9163.0015
Sigan a Baby Rasta y Gringo en su App Baja el App gratis de Baby Rasta yGringo para escuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiereregistro – solo instala y escucha esta canciones originales de BabyRasta y Gringo:01.Corazón Gigante02.Un Beso03.Anda Lucia Feat Farruko04.Tu Me Enloqueces Feat Wisin05.Si Se Nos Da06.Que Sera Feat Alexis y Fido07.No Me Dejes con Esa08.Ven A Mí Feat Nicky Jam09.Amor Prohibido10.Quiero Probar Feat Tito El Bambino11.Celula12.Nunca Me Deje13.Te Deseo Lo Mejor Feat Divino14.Me NiegasStay connected to Baby Rasta y Gringo on their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Baby Rasta y Gringo.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Baby Rasta y Gringo, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Baby Rasta y Gringo on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Baby Rasta y Gringo app now and #BeSeen!About Baby Rasta y GringoWilmer Alicea y Samuel Gerena, mejor conocidos en el mundo delreggaetón como Baby Rasta y Gringo respectivamente, reaparecieronen el 2008 como "Los Lobos", temas como “Tiemblo”, “DéjameConocerte”, “Amor de lejos” del disco “The Comeback”, bajo su nuevacasa disquera Eme Music, fueron los que marcaron el regreso de BabyRasta y Gringo. Con “Ella se Contradice” junto al dúo Plan B, fueque entraron a un nuevo público entre las edades de 14 a 18 añosque apenas nacieron cuando comenzó el género.De este ultimo himno mundial "Ella Se Contradice" que hasobrepasado las 20 millones de reproducciones en Youtube, El Rey"Don Omar" hizo la versión remix.Alcanzando la posicion #1 del HotRanking de HTV con “La,la,la,la”hacen de este un gran exito, sin imaginar que luego grabarian unanueva version "La,la,la,la Mundial", con la mega estrella DaddyYankee con el que escalaron posiciones mas altas para darle paso a"Na,na,na,na,na" primer corte promocional de lo que seria suproduccion "Los Duros" en el que reunen a los artistas de lacompañia "Eme Music" y de donde se desprende el tambien exito "LunaLlena"."Eme Music Presenta: Los Duros", fue nominado a Premios Lo Nuestro,un gran logro, al ser la primera vez que son considerados por unospremios de gran altura y sin imaginarlo ya que la idea principal deeste álbum era un "Mixtape" para el publico pero se convirtió en unexitoso disco colocándose en altas posiciones de ventas enitunes.Actualmente se encuentran promocionando su mas reciente éxito "MeNiegas", que no deja de sorprender por la gran acogida en PuertoRico, USA, Centro y Sur América colocándose en las primerasposiciones y haciendo del vídeo uno de los mejores por alcanzarsobre 55,000,000 de reproducciones y van en ascenso.La meta ha sido lograda, captar la atención de una nueva generaciónde "Chamaquitos" que actualmente han inundado las redes sociales deBaby Rasta y Gringo, sobrepasando los 3 millones de Likes enFacebook, 450mil twiteros, 300mil subscriptores en Youtube, y masde 20millones de visitas en sus redes al mes hacen de "Los Lobos"uno de los mas buscados y pegados del genero urbano.Follow Baby Rasta yGringo in its App Official the free App Baby Rasta y Gringo to listen to an entirealbum of music. No registration required - just install and listento this original songs Baby Rasta y Gringo:Giant 01.Corazón02. One KissFarruko Feat Lucia 03.Anda04.Tu me crazy Feat WisinIt gives us 05.SiIt will be 06.Que Feat Alexis y Fido07.No Leave Me with Esa08.Ven To Me Feat Nicky Jam09.Amor spacesTry 10.Quiero Feat Tito El Bambino11.Celula12. Never Leave MeBest 13.Te Divine Desire FeatYou deny 14.MeStay connected to Baby Rasta and Gringo on Their officialapp.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Baby Rasta and Gringo.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeBaby Rasta y Gringo meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Cool Watch videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Baby Rasta and Gringo on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Baby Rasta y Gringo app now and #BeSeen!About Baby Rasta y GringoWilmer Alicea and Samuel Gerena, best known in the world ofreggaeton as Baby Rasta and Gringo respectively, reappeared in 2008as "Los Lobos", songs like "tremble", "Let Me Know You", "Loveaway" from the album "The comeback "under his new record labelMusic Eme were those that marked the return of Baby Rasta andGringo. With "She Contradicts" by the duo Plan B, was that entereda new audience between the ages of 14 and 18 who were born justwhen the genre began. This last world anthem "She Contradicts" has surpassed 20million views on Youtube, El Rey "Don Omar" made the remixversion. Reaching the position # 1 HotRanking HTV with "La, la, la,la" make this a great success, without imagining that later wouldrecord a new version "La, la, la, la World" with megastar DaddyYankee with which they climbed higher positions to make way for"Na, na, na, na, na" first promotional cut of what would be hisproduction "hard" which bring together artists of the company "EmeMusic" and where he also hit song "Full Moon" it is clear. "Eme Music Presents: Hard" was nominated for Premios LoNuestro, a great achievement, being the first time they areconsidered by some awards high-rise without imagining it as themain idea of ​​this album was a "Mixtape" for the public but itbecame a hit record high standing in sales positions initunes. They are currently promoting his latest hit "Me You deny"which is surprising for the great reception in Puerto Rico, USA,Central and South America being placed in the top positions andmaking the video one of the best to reach about 55,000,000reproductions are on the rise. The goal has been achieved, capture the attention of a newgeneration of "little kids" who have now flooded the socialnetworks of Baby Rasta and Gringo, surpassing 3 million Likes onFacebook, 450mil twiteros, 300 thousand subscribers in Youtube, andmore than 20millones visits per month on their networks make "LosLobos" one of the most sought after and glued the urbangenre.
Rob $tone 1.9136.0001
Follow Rob $tone through his Official . Download the free Rob $tone app now ! Noaccount setup is required – just install and listen to theseoriginal songs by Rob $tone.1.Okay Okay Okay2.Meetings ft. Denzel CurryAnd More than that, Rob $tone Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them for exclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right for moreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a webbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with full audiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Rob $tone emoji for all chats, only forapp users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the music youlove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directly fromyour favorite Rob $tone.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartist app.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Requires Android 3 and up• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost your commentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts, whereeveryone can see.About Rob $toneJaylen Robinson (born January 25, 1995), known professionally asRob Stone (stylized as Rob $tone), is an American hip hop recordingartist from San Diego, California.He is best known for his debutsingle, "Chill Bill" from his mixtape Straight Bummin.Jaylen Robinson was born on January 25, 1995 in San Diego,California. From a young age, Jaylen was influenced by his father’svintage music collection, and expanded his listening to reggae,hip-hop, rap, rock, and R&B. He attended college in Atlanta,Georgia, where he first started teaching himself how to rap.Stone first released his first song "Chill Bill" on June 10,2014 on his SoundCloud. He wrote the song in the back of a policecar. Stone then went on to release his debut mixtape, StraightBummin' on February 8, 2015. The music video for "Chill Bill" wasreleased on June 25, 2015 on his friend's YouTube channel called"Twelve O'Seven" Stone then released the song as his debut singleon June 17, 2016. The song debuted at number 99 on the US BillboardHot 100, and has so far reached number 50 on the chart. Theofficial remix of the song features American rappers D.R.A.M.,Denzel Curry and Cousin Stizz. In September 2016, Stone releasedhis second mixtape, I'm Almost Ready.
Bryant Myers 1.9181.0001
Sigan a Bryant Myers en su App . Baja el App gratis de Bryant Myers paraescuchar un álbum completo de música. No requiere registro – soloinstala y escucha esta canciones originales de Bryant Myers:Stay connected to Bryant Myers on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Bryant Myers.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Bryant Myers, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Bryant Myers on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Bryant Myers app now and #BeSeen!About Bryant MyersBryant Myers es un cantante de Trap y Reggaetón de 18 años nacidoen Loma Alta, Carolina (Puerto Rico). Hoy en día es reconocido comoel artista nuevo demayor proyección dentro del genero Urbano,exponiendo un estilo único e inigualable. Como todo artistamilenio, se ha desarrollado en las redes sociales como unos de losreyes del movimiento y, a su corta edad, ya cuenta con una apretadaagenda de compromisos que lo mantienen en constante movimientoalrededor de Latinoamérica, Republica Dominicana, Estados Unidos ypor supuesto, Puerto Rico.Recientemente Bryant Myers fue nombrado por la publicación NewTimes como el Rapero emergente #1 de Miami y mas allá. También fuedestacado por la revista americana Rolling Stone por suparticipación en el tema “Hendrix (Spanglish Remix) junto allegendario, Wyclef.El artista se ha dado a conocer en los últimos años con temas como“Esclava”, la cual realizo junto al también ascendiente, Anonimus.Tras el remix de dicho tema, junto a Anuel AA y Almighty, despegósu carrera musical. Como este, los temas “En Otra Dimensión”, “EllaY Yo” y “Tu Me Enamoraste” se han convertido en sus emblemas.Bryant a colaborado con artistas como- Ñengo Flow, Farruko, Tempo yKevin Roldán, y con otros artistas de la llamada La Nueva o QuintaGeneración, como los citados Anuel AA y Almighty, y otros comoBrytiago, Lary Over, Miky Woodz, y Noriel.El estilo de Bryant Myers es muy característico debido a su vozgrave. Él mismo se define como «el de la voz ronca que no usadelay», con un rapeo con tono de recital, y pocos silencios entrelos versos. Su música tiene influencias de reggaetón, trap y raplatino.“Hoy en día el movimiento urbano es un movimiento sólido ya que conel pasar de los años nuestro género se a solidificado cada ves másy en adición a eso venimos nosotros (los artistas emergentes), quesomos esa inyección de sangre nueva a continuar con el crecimientoy la internacionalización de nuestra música.”-Bryant MyersBryant Myers follow inits App Official Download the free AppBryant Myers to listen to an entire album of music. No registrationrequired - just install and listen to this original songs by BryantMyers:Stay connected to Bryant Myers on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Bryant Myers.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeBryant Myers meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Cool Watch videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Bryant Myers on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the app now and Bryant Myers #BeSeen!About Bryant MyersBryant Myers is a reggaeton singer Trap and 18 born in Loma Alta,Carolina (Puerto Rico). Today it is recognized as the new artistdemayor projection within the urban genre, giving a unique andinimitable style. Like any millennium artist, has been developed onsocial networks as one of the kings of the movement and his youngage, already it has a busy schedule of commitments that keepconstantly moving around Latin America, Dominican Republic, UnitedStates and of course, Puerto Rico.Bryant Myers recently was named by the publication New Times as theemerging Rapper # 1 of Miami and beyond. It was also highlighted bythe American magazine Rolling Stone for his participation in the"Hendrix (Spanglish Remix) with the legendary, Wyclef.The artist has released in recent years with songs like "Slave",which also performed by the ascendancy, Anonimus. After the remixof the theme, with Anuel AA and Almighty, took off his musicalcareer. Like this, the subjects "In Another Dimension", "Ella Y Yo"and "Tu me in love" have become their emblems.Bryant has collaborated with artists like- Ñengo Flow, Farruko,Tempo and Kevin Roldan, and other artists called The New or FifthGeneration, as cited Anuel AA and Almighty, and others likeBrytiago, Lary Over, Miky Woodz, and noriel.Myers Bryant's style is very distinctive because of his deep voice.He defines himself as "the hoarse voice that does not use delay"with a rap concert with tone, and few silences between verses.Their music has influences of reggaeton and Latin rap trap."Today the urban movement is a solid move because with the passingof the years our gender is a solidified every time more and inaddition to that we come from (emerging artists), which are thatinjection of new blood to continue growth and internationalizationof our music. "- Bryant Myers
Jacob Latimore 1.9153.0001
Follow Jacob Latimore through his Official Download the free Jacob Latimore appnow!Stay connected to Jacob Latimore on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Jacob Latimore.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Jacob Latimore, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Jacob Latimore on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Jacob Latimore app now and #BeSeen!About Jacob LatimoreHailed by Variety, Indiewire and The Wrap as an exciting breakoutstar, Jacob Latimore is quickly emerging as one of the mosttalented and versatile actors of his generation.Recently Latimore drew strong critical acclaim for his star turn asBo in 2016 Sundance Film Festival favorite SLEIGHT, directed by JDDillard. Praising his natural charisma and ability to successfullyoperate in the realms of drama, romance, comedy and action,multiple publications named Latimore as one of Sundance's mosttalented emerging stars. "Sleight" was acquired at the festival byWWE Studios and Blumhouse Productions, who will be releasing thefilm in theaters across the country in April 2017.Hot on the heels of Sundance 2016, Latimore was cast in "CollateralBeauty," directed by Oscar-winner David Frankel, and starring WillSmith, Edward Norton, Keira Knightley, Michael Peña, Naomie Harrisand Oscar-winners Kate Winslet and Helen Mirren. "CollateralBeauty" will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and VillageRoadshow Pictures in December 2016.Latimore was featured in two of 2014's biggest box office smashhits, co-starring as Ramon in Universal Pictures' RIDE ALONGstarring Ice Cube, Kevin Hart and John Leguizamo, and in asupporting role in 20th Century Fox's dystopian sci-fi thriller"The Maze Runner." In 2013, Latimore starred as Langston in FoxSearchlight's "Black Nativity" working with a superstar castfeaturing Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Tyrese Gibson, JenniferHudson, Mary J. Blige and Nas. Latimore made his feature film debutin a lead role in Magnet Releasing's 2010 post-apocalyptic thriller"Vanishing on 7th Street" starring Hayden Christensen and JohnLeguizamo.Latimore was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and currently resides inAtlanta, Georgia.
Manika 1.9154.0001
Follow Manika through her Official . Download the free Manika app now for a fullalbum of music! No account setup is required – just install andlisten to these original songs by Manika01.Museum (exclusive app song)02.How Can I Love03.I Might Go... (feat. Tyga)04.B.Y.O.Bugatti05.Vegas Party06.My Way07.Good Girls08.Just Can't Let You Go (feat. Lil Twist)09.Notice Me10.Breathe11.I Like Shy Guys12.Going Off A Feeling13.I Might Go...(feat Tyga) [Jump Smokers remix]14.B.Y.O.Bugatti (Jump Smokers remix)15.Vegas Party (Jump Smokers remix)16.My Way (rock-pop version)17.I Might Go...(Klubjumpers remix)Stay connected to Manika on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Manika.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Manika, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Manika on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Manika app now and #BeSeen!About ManikaManika (pronounced Ma-NEE-ka) is an Asian-Spanish American singer,rapper, songwriter, producer, reality TV-show host and publishedauthor. She was discovered by Michael Jackson's long-time manager(music exec Frank DiLeo). Manika toured with One Direction on theirNorth American tour. She also performed at KISS FM’s Wango Tango,the Hollywood Style Awards, the nationally-televised HallmarkHollywood Christmas Parade, headlined the Girl Scouts’ 100thAnniversary Tour and headlined Pepsi's Shop Til You Rock Tour.Manika was the headline performer to 200,000 people and 650 movietheaters (streamed through Fathom Events). This performance wasalso nationally and internationally televised (via DiscoveryNetwork). Manika also recently headlined Light nightclub inMandalay Bay Las Vegas and Hakkasan nightclub in MGM Las Vegas. Shealso performed on the main stage at MGM’s 2015 “Wine Amplified”music festival with 50 Cent, Sublime, and Panic!Manika is the host of a new reality TV-series (“Global BeautyMasters” students) that airs on the TLC TV Network.Manika wrote and co-produced her last single “I Might Go..”featuring Tyga. Manika’s also wrote and co-produced her new single“How Can I Love” (playing on Sirius XM & Top 40 radio) that ischarting at number 7 on the U.S. Billboard Sales Chart. She creditsthe huge success of this single to how the song’s lyrics relate tosuch a personal, deeply emotional level to a diverse crowd. Manikaalso incorporates videos from her fans into her “How Can I Love”music video in a way that is very different from any other musicvideo concept you’ve ever seen.Manika has her own radio show “Manika’s Love Line” on Dash Radio (5Million Listeners). Listen to her every Sunday at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST.Manika brings on celeb guests every week and together they givelove advice to her fans and listeners.Also a published author, Manika donated the proceeds from her firstbook to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty toAnimals (ASPCA), served as their spokesperson and gaveinspirational talks to inner-city schoolchildren and visited youngcancer patients. She is completing her second book now.Manika has four-and-a-half million fans on Facebook andTwitter.
Cultura Profetica 1.9181.0001
Follow Cultura Profetica through theirOfficial App Download the freeCultura Profetica app now for a full album of music! No accountsetup is required – just install and listen to these original songsby Cultura Profetica:Stay connected to Cultura Profetica on their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Cultura Profetica.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Cultura Profetica, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Cultura Profetica on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Cultura Profetica app now and #BeSeen!About Cultura ProfeticaCultura Profética es una banda de músicos puertorriqueños formadaen el 1996, con una carrera internacional en pleno crecimiento.Está dirigida por Willy Rodríguez, Omar Silva, Eliut González yBoris Bilbraut. Tienen 8 producciones discográficas y se hanpresentado en los mayores foros de las ciudades más importantes deLatinoamérica y Estados Unidos.Conscientes de las realidades socio-políticas de su Puerto Riconatal y la geopolítica en general, deciden levantar su inspiraciónen favor de la libertad, la igualdad, la naturaleza y el amor, através de canciones motivadoras y originales. Armadas con buensentido poético, sus creaciones resultan frescas y espontáneas, concarácter contemporáneo y valor universal.Cultura Profética no limita su estética con sellos oclasificaciones musicales estrictas. Aunque la base musical es el“reggae roots”, son muy perceptibles los toques armónicos del jazz,el funk y la electronica, además de los ritmos de hip hop, ska, lamúsica brasileña y una indiscutible síntesis de las raícesafro-caribeñas en general, incursionando incluso en el “worldmusic”. La textura es rica en disonancia y ritmo. En fin, logran unsonido muy peculiar que ha sido admirado por grandes cantidades deartistas, músicos, ingenieros y los más grandes exponentes delreggae en el ámbito internacional.Discografía:Canción de alerta (1998)Ideas nuevas (1999)Cultura en vivo (2000)Diario (2002)M.O.T.A. (2005)Tribute To The Legend Bob Marley (CD+DVD) (2007)La dulzura (2010)15 Aniversario en el Luna Park (2012)Follow Prophetic Culturethrough Their Official App Downloadthe free app now Prophetic Culture for a full album of music! Noaccount setup is required - just install and listen to the originalsongs by Culture These Prophetic:Stay connected to Cultura Profetica on Their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Culture prescient.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeCulture Prophetic meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Prophetic Culture on social media.- Listen to the free built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the app now and Culture Prophetic #BeSeen!About Culture PropheticProphetic culture is a Puerto Rican musicians band formed in 1996,with a growing international career. It is directed by WillyRodríguez, Omar Silva, Eliut González and Boris Bilbraut. They have8 record productions and have been presented in major forums of themost important cities in Latin America and the United States. Aware of the socio-political of his native Puerto Rico andgeopolitics in general, they decide realities raise his inspirationfor freedom, equality, nature and love, through motivational andoriginal songs. Armed with good poetic sense, his creations arefresh and spontaneous, with contemporary character and universalvalue. Prophetic culture does not limit its aesthetics with seals orstrict musical classifications. Although the musical base is the"reggae roots" are very noticeable harmonic touches of jazz, funkand electronics, as well as the rhythms of hip hop, ska, Brazilianmusic and an indisputable synthesis of Afro-Caribbean rootsoverall, even dabbling in the "world music". The texture is rich indissonance and rhythm. Finally, they achieve a very peculiar soundthat has been admired by large numbers of artists, musicians,engineers and the greatest exponents of reggaeinternationally. Discography: Warning Song (1998) New Ideas (1999) Live Culture (2000) Journal (2002) SPECK. (2005) Tribute To The Legend Bob Marley (CD + DVD) (2007) Sweetness (2010) 15th Anniversary at Luna Park (2012)
Anonimus 1.9136.0002
Sigan a Anonimus en su . Baja el App gratis de Anonimus paraescucharun álbum completo de música. No requiere registro – soloinstala yescucha esta canciones originales de Anonimus:• Escucha música sin interrupción con conexión osinconexión• Obtén actualizaciones en tiempo real and nuestra páginadealertas• Gana corazones por escuchar y redímelo paracontenidoexclusivo• Desliza el dedo sobre fotos hacia arriba para las letras yhaciala izquierda o derecho para más fotos exclusivas,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube y para ir al navegador.• Feed: La primera red social de artista-basado con soporte deaudiocompleto.• Emojins Exclusivos: Emoji personalizados de Anonimus paratodoslos chats, solo para usuarios del App.• Transmisión: Crea una lista de la música que amas.• Contenido Exclusivo: Fotos, timbres y más directamente detufavorito Anonimus.• Búsquedas desde el App: Hacer cualquier búsqueda en la redsindejar el App del artista.• Pared de Fan: Chequea quienes son los usuarios top 20. Eres elfan#1?• Superestrellas: Intercambia tus Corazones porSuperestrellas,aumenta tus comentarios para que te coloquen al ladode los postsde tu artista favorito, donde todos te puedanver.• Requires Android 4.1.0 and upAbout AnonimusLuis Beauchamp Llanos, conocido en el mundo artístico comoAnonimus,nació en Kentucky el 7 de julio del 1982. A tempranaedad, el jovense muda a Carolina, Puerto Rico, lugar que lo viocrecer einfluencio lo que hoy en día es su música.El origen de su nombre “Anonimus” es uno bien curioso, yaqueproviene de la manera en la cual el joven cantautor descubrióquetenia la habilidad de escribir y grabar canciones. Por cosasdeldestino, Anonimus se encontraba un día en el estudio deO’Neilldueño de la compañía Street Kings, y en forma de vacilóngrabo untema en el estudio, el cual le titularon “Lara Mercy.” AO’Neill legusto tanto el tema que se lo envió a DJ Rafy Mercenario,quien lehizo una remezcla y pronto llaman a Anonimus a decirle queelsencillo iba a salir al aire en el famoso programa de El CoyoteyMario VI: “La Jungla.”Al enterarse de esa noticia, Anonimus se sintió un pococohibidoporque no quería que la gente supiera que Luis Beauchampcantabaese tema, y ahí entonces nació el nombre “Anonimus” parareferirseal interprete de la canción. “Lara Mercy” tuvo tanto éxitoen elprograma de “La Jungla,” que terminaron poniéndola enprogramaciónregular, ya que la gente llamaba a la estación a pedirla canciónconstantemente.Empresarios del genero urbano como DJ Nelson, de Flow MusicyPerreke, de la compañía “La Makinaria,” rápido pusieron su ojoenAnonimus al escuchar la canción y notar el respaldo masivo delacanción. Sintiéndose confiados que con una buena producción,eljoven podía llegar lejos en su carrera de artista, losmismoscoordinaron una reunión con Anonimus, y hoy en día seencuentrantodos trabajando como un equipo.Con el apoyo que le brindo el publico a nivel mundial, Anonimussesintió con mas confianza de grabar mas canciones ydesarrollarseartísticamente. Anonimus ya ha tenido la oportunidadde colaborarcon artistas como J Alvarez, Luigi 21 Plus, Farruko, JKing yMaximan, Magnate y Valentino, Franco ‘El Gorila’, entreotros. Conla meta de poder viajar el mundo y poder establecersecomo unsolido exponente del genero urbano, Anonimus lanzo su primerálbumcomo solista, titulado “El Anonimato.” Luego de eso en el2014,lanzo su segunda produccion, "I Am Anonimus".Ahora, de la mano del sello disquero, La Commission, Anonimusseprepara para trabajar en varios proyectos importantes,empezandopor su reciente participacion en "Hendrix Remix", junto aWyclef,Bryant Myers & Farina. Ademas, se encuentrapromocionando temascomo "Amor de Calle", junto a Alexis y Anuel AA.Su cortepromocional, "No Se Ve", junto a Arcangel tambien seencuentraposicionado en las primeras posiciones del charturbano.Anonimus follow in itsAppOfficial Download the free App Anonimustolisten to an entire album of music. No registration required -justinstall and listen to this original songs Anonimus:• Listen to music without interruption or offline• Get real-time updates and alerts our• Earn hearts to listen and Deliver him to exclusive content• Swipe up on photos for letters and left or right formoreexclusive photos, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and gotothe browser.• Feed: The first social network of artist-based with fullaudiosupport.• Emojins Exclusive: Anonimus personalized Emoji for all chats,justfor App users.• Transmission: Create a list of music you love.• Exclusive content: photos, ringtones and more directly fromyourfavorite Anonimus.• Searches from the app: Make any search on the net withoutleavingthe App artist.• Wall Fan: Check out who the users top 20. You are the #1fan?• Superstar: Exchange your hearts by Superestrellas increaseyourcomments so that you placed next to the posts of yourfavoriteartists, where all you can see.• Requires Android 4.1.0 and upAbout AnonimusLuis Beauchamp Llanos, known in the art world as Anonimus, wasbornin Kentucky on July 7, 1982. At an early age, the young manmovedto Carolina, Puerto Rico, place where he grew up andinfluencedwhat is today his music.The origin of its name "Anonimus" is one very curious, sinceitcomes from the way in which the young singer discovered he hadtheability to write and record songs. As fate, Anonimus was a dayinthe studio company owner O'Neill Street Kings, and vacilónrecordedas a subject in the study, which he titled "Lara Mercy." AO'Neillmuch like the item sent to DJ Rafy Mercenary, who made aremix andsoon Anonimus call to tell you that the single was airingin thefamous program of El Coyote and Mario VI: "Die Hard."Upon hearing this news, Anonimus felt a little embarrassed becauseIdid not want people to know that Luis Beauchamp sang that theme,andthen there came the name "Anonimus" to refer to interpret thesong."Lara Mercy" was so successful in the program "Die Hard,"whichended up putting it into regular programming, as peoplecalled thestation to ask for the song constantly.Entrepreneurs in the urban genre as DJ Nelson Flow MusicandPerreke, the company "La Makinaria," quickly put their eyeonAnonimus to hear the song and note the massive support of thesong.Feeling confident that with good production, the young mancould gofar in his career as an artist, they coordinated a meetingwithAnonimus, and today are all working as a team.With the support he gave the public worldwide, Anonimus feltmoreconfident to record more songs and develop artistically.Anonimushas already had the opportunity to collaborate with artistssuch asJ Alvarez, Luigi 21 Plus, Farruko, J King and Maximan,Magnate yValentino, Franco 'El Gorilla', among others. With thegoal ofbeing able to travel the world and to establish itself as asolidexponent of the urban genre, Anonimus released his firstsoloalbum, entitled "Anonymity." After that, in 2014, launcheditssecond production, "I Am Anonimus" .Now, hand label, The Commission, Anonimus is prepared to workonseveral major projects, beginning with his recent participationin"Hendrix Remix" with Wyclef, Bryant Myers & Farina.Inaddition, it is promoting songs like "Love Street" with AlexisandAnuel AA. His single, "not seen" with Arcangel also ispositionedat the top of the urban chart.
Basta 1.9136.0001
llow Basta through his Download the free Basta app now!And More than that, Basta app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Basta emoji for all chats, only forappusers.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite Basta.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.About BastaVakulenko began to write and read rap at the age of 15-16, at1997participated in group Psycholyric, which later will be renamedintoKasta, that was his idea to rename the band. At 1998 herecordedhis first solo single "Моя Игра" (Moya Igra/My Game). ThenBastaassembled his own band, "Уличные Звуки" (UlichnyeZvuki/StreetSounds). In 2004 he was noticed by Bogdan Titomir, whooffered himto go to Moscow. In Moscow Basta met other performersSmoky Mo andGuf (future founder of the Centr). Later Bastaparticipated inrecording Guf's album "Город дорог" (GorodDorog/City of roads) andmade together with him the cover of hisfirst single "Моя Игра"(Moya Igra/My Game).At 2008 Basta created the new stage name "Noggano" andrecordedtwo albums "Ноггано первый" (Noggano. The First) and"Ногганотеплый" (Noggano. Warm) in parody style. The name "Noggano"is anallusion to the legendary revolver. Before that he wasperformingsad and sometimes romantic tracks, but since "Noggano" hecreatedthe new image of Gangsta rapper, singing obscent lyricsaboutcriminals, sex and drugs in parody and grotesque style. Heiscalling "Noggano" his alter ego. Currently engaged in writingBastarelease "Nagano 3" which is scheduled for release in 2016.llow Basta throughhisOfficial App Download the free Basta app now!And More than that, Basta app also gives you:• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed: The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis: Custom Basta emoji for all chats, only forappusers.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content: Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite Basta.• In-App Search: Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board: Check the top 20 app users. Are you the # 1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.About BastaVakulenko began to write and read rap at the age of 15-16, at1997participated in group Psycholyric, which later will be renamedintoKasta, that was his idea to rename the band. At 1998 herecordedhis first solo single "My Game" (Moya Igra / My Game). ThenBastaassembled his own band, "Street Sounds" (Ulichnye Zvuki /StreetSounds). In 2004 he was noticed by Bogdan Titomir, whooffered himto go to Moscow. In Moscow Basta met other performersSmoky Mo andGuf (future founder of the Centr). Later Bastaparticipated inrecording Guf's album "Road City" (Gorod Dorog /City of roads) andmade together with him the cover of his firstsingle "My Game"(Moya Igra / My Game).At 2008 Basta created the new stage name "Noggano" andrecordedtwo albums "Noggano first" (Noggano. The First) and "Naganowarm"(Noggano. Warm) in parody style. The name "Noggano" is anallusionto the legendary revolver. Before that he was performingsad andsometimes romantic tracks, but since "Noggano" he createdthe newimage of Gangsta rapper, singing obscent lyrics aboutcriminals,sex and drugs in parody and grotesque style. He iscalling"Noggano" his alter ego. Currently engaged in writing Bastarelease"Nagano 3" which is scheduled for release in 2016.
Macy Kate 1.9163.0001
Follow Macy Kate through her Official Download the free Macy Kate app now!Stay connected to Macy Kate on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Macy Kate.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Macy Kate, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Macy Kate on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Macy Kate app now and #BeSeen!About Macy KateMacy is 18 and a solo recording artist. She writes her own musicfor the Macy Kate project and other artists, plays the piano andguitar. Television work includes Teen Choice Awards, Revolt TV,Good Morning America ABC, Fox, Fox Sports, NBC Universal.She recently signed with IMG/StrongArm, Flo Rida's label and isbeing shopped for a major distribution deal. Tier 1 brand dealsinclude Dove, Disney, HP, Uber, Blenders Eyewear, JewelMint, OldNavy, Ricoh 360 Cameras, Samsung and more.She has worldwide talent representation by Paradigm for Television,Film, Digital and Bookings for shows/ touring with Bob Kinkead ofKinkead Entertainment has shared the stage with Maroon V, BeBe Rexha, Flo Rida,Charlie Puth, Jason Derulo, Zara Larson, Ariana Grande and manymore.Macy has been featured in Seventeen Magazine, Billboard Magazine,On Air with Ryan Seacrest, Pop Star Magazine, Nkd magazine and manymore.Collaborations with mega YouTube star, Kurt Hugo Schneider hashelped her obtain a large YouTube following with over 70 MillionViews over multiple channels and over 500K subscribers on YouTube.Her viral video, 52 million views, for the Radioactive Cover, hasgained a tremendous amount of interest in the world ofYouTube.She has played for arena crowds as large as 90,000+ at Wembley inLondon, received a standing ovation at The Sprint Arena, and hasperformed at the Roxy in Los Angeles, Webster Hall in New YorkCity, House of Blues & Avalon Theatre in LA, Raymond JamesStadium-Tampa, Boyd Stadium-Las Vegas and many more. Aside from hersongwriting and vocal talent, Macy is an impressive pianist,competing in the American College of Musicians Guild.
Common Kings 1.9153.0001
Follow Common Kings through their Official Download the free Common Kings app now fora full album of music! No account setup is required – just installand listen to these original songs by Common Kings:1.Sickness2.Aint No Stopping3.No Other Love4.On The Low5.Your TurnStay connected to Common Kings on their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Common Kings.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Common Kings, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Common Kings on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Common Kings app now and #BeSeen!About Common KingsCommon Kings’ style and music is a collection of inspirationsorchestrated into an array of head rocking beats, feel good vibes,and emotional fever. Their crazy, fun-loving attitude complimentsCommon Kings’ live sound, producing phenomenal hits with rock,reggae, and island influences. These influences originate from eachband members love for various genres, and widespread knowledge ofmusic.The majority of Common Kings were born in the South Pacific, andraised in Orange County, California. Growing up with householdsfull of colorful personality and vibrant passions for music, CommonKings’ members naturally grew up forming individual musical paths.This musical journey involved mimicking and listening to artistssuch as Van Morrison, Stevie Wonder, Geourge Benson, Jim Croce,Michael Jackson, The Who, Led Zepplin, Gypsy Kings, Earth Wind andFire, Bob Marley and more. The culmination of these musiciansexplains exactly who the Common Kings are.Where everything comes to a point is through lead singer Sasualei“Jr King” Maliga. Jr King is perhaps one of the most powerfullyimpressive vocalists amongst today’s leading artists. Born withthis untrained raw-talent, Jr King’s singing ability seemsboundless, as he amazes listeners with a wide range of beltingnotes and soulful passion. His humble demeanor off-stage needs nointroduction as to when the band is rocking out on-stage creating ayoung, wild, and free atmosphere.With the current success Common Kings looks to keep the momentumalive while preparing for their first Album drop in early2016.18 million views on Youtube and over 14 million plays on Spotifywith the catalogue.
Janis Joplin 1.9154.0001
Follow Janis Joplin through her Official Download the free Janis Joplin appnow!Stay connected to Janis Joplin on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Janis Joplin.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Janis Joplin, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Janis Joplin on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Janis Joplin app now and #BeSeen!About Janis JoplinJanis Lyn Joplin was an influential American singer of the 1960s;her raw, powerful and uninhibited singing style, combined with herturbulent and emotional lifestyle, made her one of the biggestfemale stars in her lifetime. She died of a drug overdose in 1970,aged 27, after releasing three albums. A fourth album, Pearl, wasreleased a little more than three months after her death, reachingnumber 1 on the charts.Joplin rose to fame in 1967 during an appearance at Monterey PopFestival, as the lead singer of the then little-known San Franciscopsychedelic rock band Big Brother and the Holding Company. Afterreleasing two albums with the band, she left Big Brother tocontinue as a solo artist with her own backing groups, first theKozmic Blues Band and then the Full Tilt Boogie Band. She appearedat the Woodstock festival and the Festival Express train tour. Fivesingles by Joplin went into the Billboard Top 100, including "Meand Bobby McGee", which reached number 1 in March 1971. Her mostpopular songs include: "Piece of My Heart"; "Cry Baby"; "Down onMe"; "Ball 'n' Chain"; "Summertime"; and "Mercedes Benz", the finalsong she recorded.Joplin, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in1995, was well known for her performing ability. Audiences andcritics alike referred to her stage presence as "electric". RollingStone ranked Joplin number 46 on its 2004 list of the 100 GreatestArtists of All Time and number 28 on its 2008 list of 100 GreatestSingers of All Time. She remains one of the top-selling musiciansin the United States, with Recording Industry Association ofAmerica certifications of 15.5 million albums sold in theUSA.
6Foot4Honda 1.9181.0001
Follow 6Foot4Honda through his Official Download the free 6Foot4Honda appnow!Stay connected to 6Foot4Honda on their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by 6Foot4Honda.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting 6Foot4Honda, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow 6Foot4Honda on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the 6Foot4Honda app now and #BeSeen!About 6Foot4Honda6Foot4Honda has exploded into the motovlogging scene, and is one ofthe most watched motovloggers. He started his journey on YouTube inJune of 2013..but remember, Canada only has roughly 6 months ofriding per year!
Nik West 1.9136.0002
Follow Nik West through her Download the free Nik West app now!And More than that, Nik West Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite Nik West.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.About Nik WestNik West is a 24 year old, young electric bassist and singer.Shehas worked for artists such as, Dave Stewart of Eurythmics,Prince,John Mayer, and Glee.West was born in Phoenix, AZ. It was there that her fatherT.West taught her how to play the rhythm guitar when shewas13-years-old. West’s family includes her sisters (keys,drums,violin, and guitar) who were her first band and singing act,and anolder brother, a few of which she still records withtoday.Though she began her musical journey playing the guitar,shediscovered the bass in high school while listening toMichaelJackson's "You Wanna Be Startin Somethin".Although West’s father taught her and her siblings how to singata young age she has always considered herself more of a bassistthana singer. So much so that she intended for her debut album—Just inthe Nik of Time —to be an instrumental project. “Theproducer I wasworking with, told me I have a wonderful voice and Ineed to sing,”says West. “I ended up doing it and I kind of likeit now.”While working on her first album “Just In The Nik of Time”,DaveStewart of Eurythmics also became acquainted with West’swork,reached out to her to work with him on several projects. Latershealso began working with Stewart andGrammy-winningsongwriter/producer Glen Ballard (Alanis Morissette,George Strait,and Michael Jackson) on a recording project. Sincethen, Nik hasaccompanied and jammed with a few well-known artists,such asPrince, John Mayer, Marcus Miller, and more. She was alsonoted byLionel Richie, Meshell N’Deggeocello, and Flea (RHCP).She has been featured in Bass Musician Magazine and BassPlayer,Bass Quarterly Germany, and Bass Magazine Japan. Fenderoffered heran artist endorsement. She was also one of the firstmusicians toplay Fender’s first 6-string bass. West’s was selectedto endorseSWR’s Black Beauty Amplifiers. The photo of West that isfeaturedin the SWR advertisement was hand selected by legendarybassistMarcus Miller.Nik is the face of a brand new line of basses calledtheDimension Bass that Fender came out with in 2013. She was apartnerin helping to develop the bass. She is also the brainchildbehindthe Queen of Strings Competition.
R. Kelly 1.9181.0001
Follow R. Kelly through his Official Download the free R. Kelly app now!Stay connected to R. Kelly on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by R. Kelly.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting R. Kelly, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow R. Kelly on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the R. Kelly app now and #BeSeen!About R. KellyR. Kelly, the three-time Grammy winning king of R&B, makesmusic of epic proportions. After 18 years of stardom, themulti-instrumentalist, producer and vocalist continues to forge anartistic path that caters to fantasy and captures the hearts ofadoring fans, which is in essence, how an artist sells over 50million records worldwide, and wears the crown of a king.The charts are telling of the Chicago native’s storied success— six#1 albums, 11 #1 singles, and 12 consecutive platinum albums. Yet,beyond the numbers is his vital contribution to the soul musiccontinuum. R. Kelly’s musical tome is ripe with scintillatingdelivery and stirring rhythms that outlast thinner melodies byfleeting one-hit sensations. In one moment, he is the virtuoso thatdelves into slow, deep delicious seduction, and the next finds himthe sexy showman at the center of the party, in full body-rockingup-tempo flavor. From the tantalizing eight-times platinum R., tothe Grammy-award winning anthem “I Believe I Can Fly,” to hisrecent hit single “I’m a Flirt” with Bow Wow that garnered a 2008ASCAP Rhythm and Soul Music Award, R. Kelly is the essence of trueR&B.The genius of R. Kelly rests in his willingness to break fromtraditional formula and constantly push the envelope. He flips themethod of the moment with undeniable swagger and bold hip-hopsensibility. As a skilled collaborator, he pairs vocals withcountless artists -- Snoop Dogg, T.I. and Usher among them. WithUsher, he performed “Same Girl,” which was a Rolling Stone BestSong of the Year in 2007. Always willing to venture in newdirections, his latest duet pairs him with the coquettish personaof Keri Hilson.As a songwriter, R. Kelly revisits simple, but profound aspects ofthe human experience – love, lust, desire, joy and pain that defineclassical art and drama. He applies his concept to rich, fullvocals that exude his intended effect. This precise craftsmanshipled to a 2006 Stevie Wonder Award for Outstanding Achievements inSong Writing at the Soul Train Awards.It is this uncanny ability to compose classics and deliverelectrifying live performances that define everything that isessential R. Kelly. It’s why he is the recipient of multipleBillboard, BMI and American Music Awards. A prolific artist, hechurns out albums on a yearly basis from his Chocolate Factorystudios in the heart of Chicago, drawing from the spirit of hismusical forefathers Curtis Mayfield and Donnie Hathaway. While, R.Kelly proudly hails from the so-called Second City, with hisboundless talent, he is second to none.
Bizzy Bone 1.9154.0001
Follow Bizzy Bone through his Official Download the free Bizzy Bone app now!Stay connected to Bizzy Bone on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Bizzy Bone.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Bizzy Bone, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Bizzy Bone on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Bizzy Bone app now and #BeSeen!About Bizzy BoneSumerian Records has signed Grammy Award winning rapper and singerBizzy Bone. Sumerian Founder Ash Avildsen had this to say:"It's true and the album is incredible! Anyone who has closelyfollowed the label knows that we have never been one dimensional inthe bands we have signed and the records we have released. While wehave been making a meaningful impact on the current state of heavymusic, the true theme to Sumerian has always been about progressivemusic, not just metal. Bizzy Bone is one of the most progressivevocalists I have ever heard! Known in his genre for being thefastest yet the most melodic, the most technical yet the mostharmonic, the marks Bizzy has left in music are something I willalways love. The fact that Bizzy and Bone Thugs all booked one wayGreyhound tickets to LA and lived on the streets until they wereable to get discovered and signed is true artist dedication totheir craft. This same spirit is something that has allowed manySumerian bands to organically build their careers and achieve theirdreams.”Originally discovered by the legendary Eazy E when he was only ateenager, Bizzy Bone would go on to change the game forever withthe multi platinum selling group Bone Thugs N Harmony. Never beforehad this hybrid of styles been accomplished in music, transcendingthe current styles of East Coast and West Coast hip-hop with theirown "Midwest sound" that put Cleveland on the map like no other.Bizzy Bone is also one of the only people alive to make music withboth Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G.; which is a truereflection of his unmatched diversity as a singer and rapper aswell as universal love for his unique style.Sumerian Records will be releasing “Crossroads 2010” on August24th, 2010. The release is the most complete and polished albumsince the release of his critically acclaimed gold selling debutsolo album “Heaven’z Movie” in 1998. “Crossroads 2010” is a freshfusion of hip-hop and rock and features music written by JavierReyes of Animals As Leaders with guest vocal appearances by DannyWorsnop of Asking Alexandria, Jonny Craig of Emarosa, Devin Oliverof I See Stars and many more surprises. The Sphinx will notdisappoint. There is also a digital-only EP release “Crossover2010” coming out online July 27th which will feature the threeguest vocalists mentioned above. Check out the awesome artwork doneby Dave Quiggle and previews of the album and catch Bizzy Bone on tour near youperforming with a full live band.
Kendo Kaponi 1.9181.0001
Follow Kendo Kaponi through his Official Download the free Kendo Kaponi appnow!Stay connected to Kendo Kaponi on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Kendo Kaponi.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Kendo Kaponi, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Kendo Kaponi on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Kendo Kaponi app now and #BeSeen!About Kendo KaponiJosé Rivera Morales (Bayamón, Puerto Rico, 19 de agosto de 1984),conocido por su nombre artístico Kendo Kaponi, es un compositor,cantante de rap y reggaeton puertorriqueño.Follow Kendo Kaponithrough His Official App Download the freeapp Kendo Kaponi now!Stay connected to Kendo Kaponi on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Kendo Kaponi.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeKendo Kaponi meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Kendo Kaponi on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the app now and Kendo Kaponi #BeSeen!About Kendo KaponiJose Rivera Morales (Bayamon, Puerto Rico, August 19, 1984), knownby his stage name Kaponi Kendo, is a composer, singer and PuertoRican reggaeton rap.
Khushboo Grewal 1.9136.0001
Follow Khushboo Grewal through her Download the free "Khushboo Grewal"appnow!And More than that, "Khushboo Grewal" Music app also givesyou:• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right formoreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and awebbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite "Khushboo Grewal".• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.About "Khushboo Grewal""Khushboo Grewal" (née Kochhar, born 16 January) is anIndianplayback singer. "Khushboo" began her career as a VJ on B4Uandthen moved to doing Punjabi and Hindi films. She eventuallygottrained to be a professional singer and made her debut asaplayback singer with the Meet Bros composition "Pink Lips" fromtheBollywood movie Hate Story 2 featuring Sunny Leone."KhushbooGrewal" is also the lead vocalist of the Meet Bros band.Hailingfrom a family of doctors in Chandigarh, "Khushboo" graduatedfromMCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh and began her career intheentertainment industry as a VJ and then moved on to films(Punjabiand Hindi). The voice that belted out hits like PinkLips,Selfiyaan, Lak Tunu Tunu, Tu Takke, Awesome Mera Mahiya isnoneother than the diva "Khushboo Grewal".Follow manipulatedthroughthe official app Smrhurlkit/kushbugrewal fragrance gravel.Downloadthe free "fragrance gravel" App Now!And in more than embellishment, "gravel fragrance" ALSO GIVESUMusic app:• Listen to music online and offline, the day left• Get Real Time Updates Artist In Our alerts page• Yarn Hearts for the first listening and redeem forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos were for sub Lyrics & Left & Right forMoreExclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and aWebBrowser You!• Feed: the first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Streaming: Multi-Sursed create playlists with the music youloveall.• Exclusive content: Piktures, Ringtones and More, Di- Fromyourfavorite scent "gravel".• In-App Search: two were living artist ever yielding Vithutapponline.• Fan Board were Czech TOP APP USERS Automatic Licenseassignment.Are you fan of the # one?• Superstars: Trade Your Hearts for superstars, Boost Yourcommentsand click Next If Your Favorite Artist Bay Featured posts,WareEveryone Can See.About "fragrance gravel""Fragrance gravel" (Néi Kochr, born january sixteen) this anIndianplayback singer. "Fragrance" began her career as a VJ on B4Uandthen moved to doing Punjabi and Hindi films. She thenAwantualliTrined Gott Bay A Professional Singer & Made HerDebut WithPlayback Singer were false Meet Bros composition "PinkLips" fromthe Bollywood Movie Sunny Leone Hate Story Feccring two."Fragrancegravel" was the lead vocalist ALSO OF Bros. meats wereoff. Healingfrom a Division of Family Doctors in Chandigarh,"aroma" fromGrduated MCM Dev College for Women, Chandigarh andcareers, thesewere manipulated Begn Thain moved on and theentertainment industryare false Vj Films (Punjabi and Hindi). Hitswere recorded voicecradling Belted Out Pink Lips, Selfaiya, LakTunu Tunu, youPercent, Awesome My Mahia this was none other placesDiva"fragrance gravel".
Masika Kalysha 1.9154.0001
Follow Masika Kalysha through her Official Download the free Masika Kalysha appnow!Stay connected to Masika Kalysha on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Masika Kalysha.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Masika Kalysha, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Masika Kalysha on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Masika Kalysha app now and #BeSeen!About Masika KalyshaMasika Kalysha is an actress, model and singer/songwriter. Starringin VH-1’s Love and Hip Hop franchise, Masika emerged as the wildlypopular fan favorite on Season 1 of Love and Hip HopHollywood.Masika followed up by introducing her music to the world, sheindependently released three singles “Bad”, “No More” & “HellaHollywood” before linking with EMPIRE distribution to release hernewest, most-exciting collaboration to date, “Andale”, featuringFetty Wap.Simultaneously, Masika continues to expand her acting career withprojects that have placed her among the likes of Danny Trejo, NickChinlund, Kevin Grevioux, Mekhi Phifer, Kellita Smith, TangiMiller, Tony Rock, Vivica A. Fox and Terri Vaughn to name afew.Also on the forward continuum, Masika’s commercial and top brandendorsements range from Ford and Sally's Beauty Supply to Adidasand Intel Centrino computers.Her early career start brought about starring appearances in morethan 50 music videos with the likes of Lil Wayne, Future, LennyKravits, Flo Rida, French Montana and Wiz Khalifa while workingwith top video directors Colin Tilley, Director X, the Terrerobrothers and more.Her vibrant modeling, acting and television experience has broughtabout features and covers in King Magazine, Smooth Magazine, TheSource, Vibe, XXL, E! online, and, to name just afew.Of French Creole heritage, Masika was born in Chicago, Illinois andshe started her career in entertainment at the age of 4. She wasalready doing photo shoots, commercials, taking dance classes andcompeting in talent competitions before she entered the 1st grade.Today, Masika, and her Pomeranian Miss Fancy Pants, call Hollywoodtheir home. In her free time, Masika continues her extensive dancetraining and acting studies intensives. Within her music career,Masika continues her song writing as well as collaborative workwith top musicians, producers and industry hit-makers.
Portela No Ar 1.9181.0001
Follow Portela No Ar through their OfficialApp Download the free Portela No Ar appnow!Stay connected to Portela No Ar on their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Portela No Ar.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Portela No Ar, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Portela No Ar on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Portela No Ar app now and #BeSeen!About Portela No ArAplicativo Oficial do Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Portela. Amaior campeã de todos os tempos do carnaval carioca. Sejabem-vindo!Follow Portela On Airthrough Their Official App Download thefree app now Portela In The Air!Stay connected to Portela in Air on Their official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Portela On Air.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Portela On Air, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Portela in Air on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Portela On Air app now and #BeSeen!About Portela In The AirOfficial application Grêmio Recreativo Portela Samba School. Thegreatest champion of all time from the Rio carnival. Welcome!
SOJA 1.9136.0004
Follow SOJA through his Download the free SOJA app now!And More than that, SOJA Music app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos up for the lyrics & left or right formoreexclusive pics, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube and awebbrowser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite SOJA.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.About SOJA“I want to speak for people who don’t have microphones,”JacobHemphill says. “Our goal as aband is to stick up for the human race. We see the world and wetryto make it better in thelimited time we have here.”This is the philosophy behind SOJA’s music, a simple statementthathas driven the GrammyNominated D.C. area band, who blend reggae, go-go, D.C.hardcore,Latin, rock and hip-hop.Originally formed by a group of friends while still in middleschooland has built a massive,dedicated fanbase around the world since. In the yearsfollowing,SOJA has sold more than200,000 albums, headlined shows in over 20 countries aroundtheworld, generated over 4million Facebook fans, and over 120 million YouTube views. Thebandhas toured with DaveMatthews Band, Incubus, 311 and appeared at majorfestivalsincluding Bonnaroo where theyattract an almost Grateful Dead-like international fan basealongthe way, with caravans ofdiehards following them from city to city. After the releaseoftheir 2012 album Strength ToSurvive, the musicians started writing material for whatwouldbecome their fifth full-lengthalbum, “Amid the Noise and Haste.”For Hemphill, who pens the lyrics, chords and melody, eachsongstarts with an experience:meeting someone, reading something, experiencing somethingthatseems pertinent to thehuman condition. On this album, the songwriter is suggestingthat“all of life’s problems, and allof life’s answers are within us. We’ve been conditionedtoaccumulate, compete and break othersdown around ourselves — not inherent to the human condition,butrather taught. Those thingscan be untaught. The real us is in there, somewhere.” All of thisistranslated into short, sweetpackages of music.The writing and recording process for Amid the Noise andHastestretched out over a year and ahalf, mostly because the musicians kept finding newcollaboratorsand new ideas along the way.The aim was to engage as many guest artists as possible, witheachworking on a song that had alegitimate connection to them. The album was produced by SupaDups(Bruno Mars, Eminem,Rihanna, John Legend) and recorded at Circle House Studios inMiamiand Lion & Fox Studios inWashington D.C. throughout 2013. Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley appearson“Your Song,” a buoyant,hopeful number that asks fans to remind the band why they gotintomusic by singing along, while“I Believe” brings Michael Franti and Nahko together toofferthoughts on how to control your owndestiny. Collie Buddz, J Boog and Anuhea are also featuredonvarious tracks. “We wanted to bringtogether people who would help demonstrate each song,” Jacobsays.“We wanted people whocould either relate to or convey the message. The whole albumisabout the human race relating toitself and connecting with itself.”
Bryan White 1.9139.0001
Follow Bryan White through his Download the free Bryan Whiteappnow!And More than that, Bryan White app also gives you :• Listen to uninterrupted music online or offline• Get real time artist updates in our alerts page• Earn hearts for listening and redeem them forexclusivecontent• Swipe photos left or right for more exclusive pics,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, youtube and a web browser too!• Feed : The first artist-based social network with fullaudiosupport.• Exclusive Emojis : Custom Bryan White emoji for all chats,onlyfor app users.• Streaming: Create multi-sourced playlists with all the musicyoulove.• Exclusive Content : Pictures, ringtones and more, directlyfromyour favorite Bryan White.• In-App Search : Do anything online without ever leaving theartistapp.• Fan Board : Check the top 20 app users. Are you the #1 fan?• Superstars: Trade your Hearts for Superstars, boost yourcommentsand be featured right next to your favorite artist posts,whereeveryone can see.About Bryan WhiteWith his big voice, easy-going manner, and streamlinedmainstreamcountry-pop, Bryan White easily fit into the post-GarthBrooksclimate of the mid-'90s. His first album, Bryan White, beganastring of number one hits that ran into 1996. White was bornandraised in Oklahoma City, where he became involved in music inanearly age. Both of his parents were professional localmusiciansand when Bryan was five, his father taught him how to playdrums.As a teenager, he played drums in both of his mother andfather'sband -- his mom sang rock & roll, his father country --whichgave him a broad musical knowledge and skill. Eventually, heformedhis own trio. At first, he only drummed but during a soundcheckhis mother heard him sing "Stand By Me." After the song wasover,his mother was in tears and she encouraged him to become avocalisthimself. In no time, he learned how to play guitar andbeganwriting songs. Following his graduation from high school,Whiteheaded to Nashville, where he hooked up with Billy Joe Walker,Jr.,a family friend who happened to be a session musician in theMusicCity. Over the next two years, Walker helped White hone hisact andhelped him land a job as a demo singer. Eventually, producerKyleLehning, who worked with Randy Travis and Dan Seals in thepast,began working with Walker and White. The three craftedBryanWhite's debut album and landed the singer a record contractwithAsylum. The self-titled debut appeared in 1994. The firsttwosingles from the record -- "Eugene You Genius" and "Look AtMeKnow" -- didn't gather much attention, with the latter peakingatnumber 24. However, in the spring of 1995, "Someone Else'sStar"rocketed to number one, followed by "Rebecca Lynn" in thefall. Inthe spring of 1996, his second album, Between Now andForever, wasreleased, accompanied by the number one single "I'm NotSupposed toLove You Anymore." "So Much for Pretending" became hisfourthnumber one single in a row in the fall of 1996. Also in thefall,he won the Country Music Association's 1996 Horizon Award, aswellas their award for Best New Touring Artist. The RightPlacefollowed in 1997, and two years later White resurfaced withHowLucky I Am. His first seasonal release, Dreaming ofChristmas,appeared in 1999. Warner Bros. pulled together his fournumber-onehits and a handful of Top 20s for a Greatest Hits album,releasedin late 2000.
Farina 1.9163.0002
Follow Farina through her Official Download the free Farina app now !Stay connected to Farina on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Farina.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Farina, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Follow Farina on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify .Download the Farina app now and #BeSeen!About FarinaFarina Pao Paucar Franco también conocida como La Nena Fina nacióen Medellín Colombia. Farina que en árabe significa “Única” y Paoque en chino significa “Envolver”, hacen referencia a suascendencia materna y paterna. Sus raíces Chinas, peruanas y ÁrabeLibanes describen un poco la esencia de la artista.En el año 2005 se dió a conocer en el concurso de talento El FactorX Colombia obteniendo el tercer lugar entre más de 45.000 milaspirantes y convirtiéndose en la primera mujer de la música urbanaen Colombia.“Yo Soy Farina”; su primer trabajo discográfico, fue lanzado en elaño 2006; álbum en donde el Dancehall predomina como su mayorinfluencia musical y en el que se desprenden canciones como“Regresa a mí”. Este trabajo musical fue producido por Buxxy, JiggyDrama, Billy Francis y Jacky Style (Stanley Jackson).En el año 2009 lanzó “Hasta el Final”; una canción romántica quefusiona el Dancehall y el R&B. Por este mismo tiempo se dedicóa colaborar con otros artistas de la isla de San Andrés; a la queconsidera su segundo hogar.“Tres Milagros” fue la serie más vista del 2011 en Colombia y en laque Farina debutó como actriz protagónica. Por su desempeño fuenominada como “Mejor actriz colombiana” y “Revelación del año” enlos prestigiosos premios Tv y Novelas. La exitosa producción setransmitió en Panamá, Venezuela, Ecuador, República Dominicana yEEUU.En el año 2012 lanza al mercado digital su segundo álbum titulado“Del Odio Al Amor”. Este compilado de 12 canciones escritas por laartista y producidas musicalmente por Dj Largo; cuenta con lascolaboraciones de Rayo y Toby y Pipe Calderón. El productor JoséGaviria y Fernando Tobón (Toby) guitarrista de Juanes tambiénhicieron parte de la producción. Andrés Franco fue el productorejecutivo. “Soñar no cuesta nada”, “Money”, “Entre la espada y lapared” y su éxito internacional “Pongan Atención” son algunas delas canciones que hacen parte de este álbum.En el 2013 fue premiada como “Mejor artista colombiana” en lospremios “Mi Gente Tv” en donde además presentó “Ácido” feat Rayo yToby; canción que forma parte del mixtape “Letra Fina”. La unión deLa Nena Fina y los Letra Loka.Gracias a la acogida que ha tenido su éxito mundial “PumPum” FeatÑengo Flow y a toda su trayectoria musical; Farina se haposicionado como una de las artistas urbanas mas importantes de lamúsica latina. El número de seguidores y visitas en sus videos yredes sociales Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Youtube son muestrade ello.Actualmente La Nena Fina prepara el lanzamiento mundial de sutercer trabajo discográfico.Follow Farina through Official App. Download the free app nowFarina!Stay connected to Farina on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Farina.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeFarina meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Follow Farina on social media.- Listen to the free built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify.Download the app now and #BeSeen Farina!About FarinaFranco Farina Pao Paucar also known as La Nena Fina was born inMedellin Colombia. Farina which in Arabic means "Single" and Pao inChinese means "wrap" refer to their maternal and paternal ancestry.His Chinese, Peruvian and Lebanese Arabic roots describe a bit theessence of the artist. In 2005 he became known in the talent contest The X FactorColombia obtaining the third place among more than 45,000 thousandapplicants and becoming the first woman of urban music inColombia."I'm Farina"; his first album was released in 2006; Dancehall albumwhere predominates as his greatest musical influence and in whichsongs like "Come Back to Me" was released. This musical work wasproduced by Buxxy, Jiggy Drama, Billy Francis and Jacky Style(Stanley Jackson). In 2009 he released "until the end"; a romantic song thatfuses Dancehall and R & B. About the same time he devotedhimself to collaborate with other artists on the island of SanAndrés; which he considers his second home."Three Miracles" was the most watched series of 2011 in Colombiaand in which Farina debuted as a leading actress. For hisperformance was nominated for "Best Colombian actress" and"Revelation of the Year" at the prestigious Premios TV y Novelas.The successful production aired in Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador,Dominican Republic and the US. In 2012 launches digital market its second album "from hateto love." This compilation of 12 songs written by the artist andproduced musically by Dj Largo; features collaborations Rayo andToby and Pipe Calderon. Producer José Gaviria and Fernando Tobón(Toby) guitarist Juanes also made some production. Andrés Francowas the executive producer. "Dreaming does not cost anything","Money", "Between a rock and a wall" and its international success"Pay Attention" are some of the songs that are part of thisalbum. In 2013 he was awarded "Best Colombian artist" at the awards"My People TV" where he also presented "Acid" feat Rayo and Toby;song that is part of the mixtape "Letter Fina". The union of LaNena Loka Fina and lyrics. Thanks to the reception given to his worldwide hit "Pumpum"Ñengo Flow Feat and his entire musical career; Farina haspositioned itself as one of the most important urban artists inLatin music. The number of followers and views on their videos andsocial networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube areexamples of this. La Nena Fina currently prepares the worldwide launch of itsthird album.
Víctor Manuelle 1.9154.0002
Follow Víctor Manuelle through his OfficialApp Download the free VíctorManuelle app now!Stay connected to Víctor Manuelle on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, and beseen by Víctor Manuelle.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likemeeting Víctor Manuelle, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Víctor Manuelle on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs from yourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Víctor Manuelle app now and #BeSeen!About Víctor ManuelleLAS HUELLAS DE UNA BRILLANTE TRAYECTORIAVíctor Manuelle despegó definitivamente hacia la cima en1993.Su primer disco fue ‘Justo a Tiempo’ (1993), seguido por ‘SóloContigo’ en el ’94. Su tercer álbum llevó por nombre ‘VíctorManuelle’, y fue el disco que rompió barreras convirtiéndose en suprimer gran éxito comercial.En 1997 el álbum ‘A Pesar de Todo’ fue todavía más exitoso, y apartir de ese momento su carrera continuó creciendovertiginosamente…Vinieron después los álbumes ‘Ironías’ (1998), ‘Inconfundible’(1999), ‘Instinto y Deseo’ (2001) y ‘Le preguntaba a la luna’(2002). Todos ellos cargados de grandes éxitos en las listas depopularidad, de ventas y radiales.En marzo del 2004, su disco ‘Travesía’, producido por EmilioEstefan, conquistó el No. 1 de las listas de ventas deBillboard.Al año siguiente, introduciendo una interesante variación en sucarrera, Víctor Manuelle lanzó al mercado dos discos en vivo: ‘DosSoneros’ (en colaboración con Gilberto Santa Rosa) y‘VíctorManuelle en vivo desde el Carnegie’.En el 2006 salió a la venta el disco ‘Decisión Unánime’. Ese mismoaño vino su tercer disco en vivo, ‘En vivo desde el Madison SquareGarden’, seguido por el exitoso ‘Navidad a mi estilo’ primer álbumde su propia disquera, Kiyavi Records.En el 2009 lanzó ‘Soy’ y más tarde ese mismo año un disco de purasbaladas titulado ‘Muy Personal’.En marzo del 2010 la revista Billboard hizo de su edición untributo a Víctor Manuelle, celebrando los éxitos de su carrera y sunominación a un Premio Juventud en la categoría de “ArtistaTropical del Año”.‘BUSCO UN PUEBLO’ - SU NUEVO DISCOEl nuevo disco de Víctor Manuelle lleva por nombre ‘Busco unPueblo’ y saldrá a la venta el 24 de enero del 2012. El álbumpresenta un mensaje de unidad y esfuerzo para todos loslatinos.El sencillo “Si Tu Me Besas” fue escrito por Oscar “Oscarcito”Hernández, y en unas cuantas semanas se ha convertido en unverdadero éxito, arrancando el año como la canción tropical no. 1 anivel nacional.‘Busco un Pueblo es una producción que reúne toda la fuerza lossonidos tradicionales de la música tropical, con innovadoressonidos contemporáneos, dando como resultado un disco excepcional…Como excepcional lo es prácticamente todo en la brillante carrerade Víctor Manuelle, un artista fenomenal que, a pesar del éxito,conserva la sencillez y la humildad de los primeros años.Que Suenen Los Tambores es el décimo sexto álbum de estudio delcantante y compositor puertorriqueño Víctor Manuelle, lanzado el 21de abril de 2015. En esta nueva producción se destacan los éxitos“Que Suenen Los Tambores” y “Agua Bendita” al igual que la baladadedicada a su padre “Algo Le Pasa a Mi Héroe”. El sencillo delmismo título fue presentado en octubre de 2014 y se ha ganado unlugar en las listas Top Latin Songs - Tropical Estados Unidos deMonitor Latino donde se ha mantenido por 19 semanas, abriendo pasoa un merecido éxito.Follow Victor Manuellethrough His Official App VictorManuelle Download the free app now!Stay connected to Victor Manuelle on His official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updates andvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, Fan Become a Top 3, and beseen by Victor Manuelle.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizes likeVictor Manuelle meeting, event tickets, and more ...- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Victor Manuelle on social media.- FREE Listen to the built-in playlist and add more songs from yourlibrary staff, Spotify and SoundCloud.Victor Manuelle Download the app now and #BeSeen!About Victor ManuelleTRACES OF A BRILLIANT CAREERVictor Manuelle definitely took off toward the top in 1993.His first album was 'Just in Time' (1993), followed by 'Only WithYou' in '94. Their third album took the name 'Victor Manuelle' andwas the album that broke barriers becoming its first majorcommercial success.In 1997 the album 'In Spite of Everything' was even moresuccessful, and from that moment his career continued to growrapidly ...They came after the albums 'Irony' (1998), 'Unmistakable' (1999),'Instinct and Desire' (2001) and 'Le asked Moon' (2002). All loadedwith great success in the charts, sales and radio.In March 2004, his album 'Crossing', produced by Emilio Estefan,won the No. 1 of the Billboard sales charts.The following year, introducing an interesting variation in hiscareer, Victor Manuelle released two live albums: 'Two Soneros' (incollaboration with Gilberto Santa Rosa) y'Víctor Manuelle Live fromCarnegie'.In 2006 he was released the album 'Unanimous Decision'. That sameyear came his third live album, 'Live from Madison Square Garden',followed by the successful 'my style Christmas' first album for hisown label, Kiyavi Records.In 2009 he released 'I am' and later that same year an album ofpure ballads entitled 'Very Personal'.In March 2010 Billboard made editing a tribute to Victor Manuelle,celebrating the successes of his career and his nomination to aYouth Award in the category of "Tropical Artist of the Year".'LOOKING FOR A PEOPLE' - YOUR NEW ALBUMThe new album is called Victor Manuelle 'Busco un Pueblo' and willbe released on 24 January 2012. The album presents a message ofunity and effort for all Latinos.The single "Si Tu Me Besas" was written by Oscar "Oscarcito"Hernandez, and in a few weeks has become a real success, startingthe year as the tropical song no. 1 nationally.'Busco un Pueblo is a production that brings together all thestrength the traditional sounds of tropical music, with innovativecontemporary sounds, resulting in an exceptional album ... Asexceptional as is almost everything in the brilliant career ofVictor Manuelle, a phenomenal artist despite the success, itretains the simplicity and humility of the early years.Drum roll is the sixteenth studio album by Puerto Rican singer andcomposer Victor Manuelle, launched on 21 April 2015. In this newsuccesses "drum roll" and "Holy Water" stand out like the balladdedicated to his father "Something happens to my Hero". The singleof the same title was presented in October 2014 and has earned aplace in the lists Top Latin Songs - Tropical Monitor Latin Americawhere it has remained for 19 weeks, making way for a deservedsuccess.
Shelby Church 1.9154.0002
Follow Shelby Church through her Download the free Shelby Churchappnow!Stay connected to Shelby Church on her official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updatesandvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, andbeseen by Shelby Church.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizeslikemeeting Shelby Church, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Shelby Church on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs fromyourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Shelby Church app now and #BeSeen!About Shelby ChurchHair, makeup, and fashion guru on YouTube who posts to thechannelteenmakeuptips.Before FameShe created her enormously popular channel on June 12, 2009andpublished her first video 2 months later.TriviaShe earned over 950,000 subscribers to her channel.Family LifeHer sister Monica is a makeup, fashion, and beauty YouTuber aswell,running the channel hairodynamic.Associated WithOn November 1, 2013, she published a video called "HealthyAfterSchool Snack Ideas with Alisha Marie!"
Taylor Caniff 1.9154.0002
Follow Taylor Caniff through his Download the free Taylor Caniffappnow!Stay connected to Taylor Caniff on his official app.Do fun things:- Check out the in-app social feed for live updatesandvideos.- Boost your comments with Superstars, become a Top 3 Fan, andbeseen by Taylor Caniff.- Join exciting contests for a chance to win amazing prizeslikemeeting Taylor Caniff, event tickets, and more…- Watch cool videos.- Get exclusive content like wallpapers and ringtones.- Follow Taylor Caniff on social media.- Listen to the FREE built-in playlist and add more songs fromyourpersonal library, Spotify and SoundCloud.Download the Taylor Caniff app now and #BeSeen!About Taylor CaniffTaylor Michael Caniff (born February 3, 1996) is anAmericanInternet personality, actor and rapper best known forhisprominence on Youtube and the video application Vine. Canifflaterwent on to become a chart topping recording artist and star intheNetflix reality series Chasing Cameron.Caniff began his career in September 2012 by launching hisYoutubechannel. He amassed millions of followers on Twitter,Instagram andVine after he gained notoriety for posting 6 secondclips ofpranks, comedy sketches and videos about his life on Vinein 2013.Shortly after Taylor's rise to Internet fame, he joined theMagcon(Meet and Greet Convention) touring group with Nash Grier,CameronDallas, Matthew Espinosa, Shawn Mendes, Aaron Carpenter,CarterReynolds, Jack Johnson, and Jack Gilinsky. In 2013-2014 thegrouptoured the United States holding conventions where fans couldmeetand interact with the internet celebrities. The originalMagcongroup broke up after the tour ended in 2014. Caniff thentraveledthe United States with the DigiTour. In 2015 he embarked onhisfirst solo tour, the RV Project Tour. In 2016 he went on partsof aworld tour with a re-boot of Magcon, which includedAaronCarpenter, Cameron Dallas, Dylan Dauzat, Jacob Sartorious andotherinternet celebrities. That same year, Caniff co-starred intheNetflix reality series Chasing Cameron about the tour.In 2014 Caniff formed a hip hop duo with Dillon Rupp named2Virgins.On April 5 of that year the group released their debutsingle"Buckwild" which charted at No. 1 on the iTunes hip hopcharts.Later in the year, the group released their second single"LikeWhoo", which debuted at No. 29 on the iTunes US songschart.